What Did You Get For The Holidays Contest! (2024)

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We want to know what you got for Christmas or Hanukkah! You can even include photos of your gift haul if you have some, but they can’t have anything personal, like your face or other people you know. Just post in the comments. If you are a registered KidzNet user, we will randomly pick one […]

Best Christmas Songs

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Their are lots of popular Christmas songs. I gonna name my top ten, but in no particular order. 1. All i want for Christmas is you (Mariah Kerry) 2. Last Christmas (Wham) 3. Rocking around the Christmas tree 4. Santa tell me (Ariana Grande) 5.  Feliz Navida 6. Santa Claus is coming town 7. I […]

Three Children Have Received Bionic Arms in Time for Christmas

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Many people see Christmas as a time for celebration and spreading kindness. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to give gifts and share happiness with everyone, especially our family and friends, even strangers who need it the most. Now, here is a heartwarming story you might want to read. Did you know that three children just […]

Tiny Christmas Tree Planted by a Couple in 1979 is a 50-feet Tree Tourist Attraction

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During the holiday season, people often put their Christmas trees at home, whether artificial or natural. You can also find large Christmas trees in public places like malls, parks, town halls, and squares all around the world. These trees often become tourist spots, attracting many visitors and spreading holiday cheer.  The Christmas tree at Rockefeller […]

Three Holiday Cookie Recipes You Should Try

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The holidays are almost here, and I’m sure you’re just as excited as I am! You’ve probably noticed that many homes are already getting ready for Christmas. Maybe your place is looking festive too! Let me guess—you’ve helped put up the Christmas decorations, right?  During this time, you’ll see garlands draped along walls, big Christmas […]

What Does your Family do for Thanksgiving?

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What kinds of special traditions does your family follow for Thanksgiving? Do you travel to certain places? Do you eat certain foods? Do you play certain games? Tell me all about it!! <3 (If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, feel free to tell me anything you might do instead :D)

Happy Diwali KidzNetters! 🪔🪔🪔

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Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is the Hindu festival of lights that celebrates light. It also symbolizes the victory of good over evil. People around the world celebrate this night by lighting candles and fireworks. They also decorate their homes and neighborhoods with Diyas and Rangolis. Sending Diwali wishes is a wonderful way to celebrate […]

What Will You Be On Halloween?

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Every Halloween, many people are excited to decorate their homes and porches with fun, spooky decorations. You might see orange and black lights, faux spiders, witch’s cauldrons, hanging ghosts, carved pumpkins shining on steps, and skeletons in yards. You’ve probably noticed some awesome Halloween decorations in your neighborhood, or maybe your house is already looking […]

Here’s How Pumpkin Spice Became the Flavor of Fall

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When we hear the words“fall” or “autumn,” most of us instantly think of pumpkins sitting on porches, leaves changing to orange and red, and then falling off the trees.  We also start thinking about comfy sweaters, getting ready for Halloween, spending time with family at Thanksgiving, the smell of spices, and enjoying that first warm […]

Get FREE PANCAKES + Help Feed America (Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024)

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On Tuesday, Feb 13th, 2024, you can celebrate National Pancake Day and get FREE pancakes at IHOP. No purchase necessary. Free pancakes are served from 7AM-7PM. While not required, you can also donate money to help feed the needy. Comment below if you plan to get free pancakes!

Celebrating Sámi National Day – February 6th

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If you live in Norway, Especially in the North of Norway (Finnmark, Nordland, and Trøms, to be more specific), you might have heard of Sámi National Day. For those who haven’t heard about it, I will explain it in this article. I will discuss Sámi National Day, its origins, and how to celebrate it. The […]

What Did You Get For The Holidays Contest (2023)!

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We want to know what you got for Christmas or Hanukkah! You can even include photos of your gift haul if you have some, but they can’t have anything personal, like your face or other people you know. Just post in the comments. If you are a registered KidzNet user, we will randomly pick one […]


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Jack rubbed his eyes. His alarm clock was blasting. He picked it up and threw it across the room. “Wait…” he said, still sleepy. His eyes popped wide open. “IT’S CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!!!” He yelled loudly, running to the room. He scoured through the presents, trying to find one with his name on it. But he […]

A Light in the Darkness – Sweden’s St Lucia Holiday.

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This Wednesday will be a very important day in Sweden. It will be the Swedish Holiday of St Lucia. Now, Some people may be confused since there is also a Caribbean Island called St Lucia, but I am gonna be talking about the holiday. St. Lucia is a holiday celebrated on the 13th of December […]