Meet ‘Dogxim: The World’s First Known Dog-Fox Hybrid

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Have you ever heard of a hybrid animal? It’s when two different species of animals that would not naturally mate in nature produce new offspring.  Sounds kinda impossible, right? While it may sound like something from a science fiction movie, did you know hybrid animals do exist in the real world? You may have already […]

Scientists Plan To Resurrect The Extinct Tasmanian Tiger

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It’s a sad reality that many species have gone extinct and many are currently on the brink of being wiped out. One thing we do know, though: aside from degradation and loss of habitat and climate change, humans are a big part of why animals go extinct. From hunting, over-exploitation, overharvesting, and polluting natural habitats, […]

Do You Know About The World’s Biggest Cat?

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Hello everyone! I’ll start the post with wishing a good evening/morning or afternoon. Although I´m not new here and have many guest posts, this is my first post as a registered member. Anyways. Do you know about the world’s biggest cat? I know you will probably say “a lion or a tiger” and that it […]