The Interesting History of Waffles

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Waffles have been a beloved breakfast staple for centuries by many around the world. With its warm, crunchy outside texture, soft interior, honeycombed-like shape, and irresistible aroma that wafts throughout the room, this delectable treat has become a favorite.  Today, waffles are enjoyed in many different ways. Some people love to put melted butter, maple […]

How Do Sugar And Fat Affect Your Brain?

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Candies, cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream, and sodas—these foods can be pretty irresistible to us. So many of these make up a large portion of our daily intake. And let’s not forget other fast food or processed food, such as bacon, pizza, hotdogs, burgers, fries, and sandwiches. These foods are common comfort food cravings, which […]

Happy National French Fry Day!!!!

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Potatoes are thinly sliced and deep-fried till crispy to create french fries. Depending on the maker’s preference, they can have a soft or crispy consistency and are often served hot with seasonings or condiments.French fries are frequently consumed for lunch, dinner, or as a midday snack. Standard cut, crinkle cut, potato wedges, curly fries, steak […]

Why Do Bees Have Queens?

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Did you know that honeybees are important for our ecosystem’s survival? They help pollinate plants that produce food for us and many animals. Without them, our ecosystem could collapse. So, we owe them a lot! But have you ever wondered how they work together to keep their colony safe? Honeybees live in hives with a […]

Lent: Week 3

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Hey everyone! It’s DancerGirl887, and it’s already the 3rd week of Lent! I am really excited to share all about this week, so here we go! I know this article won’t be published until Monday or something, but I’m writing this on Friday. If you are Catholic, you know that in Lent, we fast from […]

What Happened To The Largest Primate Species Ever To Inhabit The Earth?

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Have you ever heard of the largest primate species to ever exist?  Meet the Gigantopithecus blacki, the giant ape that roamed southeast Asia 2 million to 300,000 years ago. This ancient primate stood up to 10 feet tall (3 meters) and weighed over 440 to 660 pounds (200–300 kg), approximately three to four times a […]

We Are The Prey EP. 3 (Small Rant Coming Up)

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Razor’s jaws and Killer’s jaws crushed the ends of the sub, causing water to flood in. “BEN, CALL THE BACKUP, I’LL PATCH UP ED!” The captain yelled. Ben rushed to the phone. “BACKUP, MAYDAY, THIS IS THE SEAL! WE HAVE TWO MASSIVE ANIMALS ATTACKING OUR SUB, AND WE CAN’T MOVE IT! WATER’S POURING IN, GET […]

Brain Freeze: A Guide to What Causes it, and How to Treat it

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During summer, there’s nothing quite like a refreshing slushy or a delicious scoop of ice cream on a hot day, right? Many often indulge in a sweet, frosty treat to beat the heat. But sometimes, especially for kids, we get a little too excited eating them and end up experiencing sudden and intense pain in […]

The Secret Purpose Behind The Buttons On Your Soda Lids

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If you have ever bought a McDonald’s drink at your local McDonald’s restaurant (especially at a drive-thru), you might’ve already inspected and noticed the buttons on the plastic lid of the drink you just bought.  These are the circular buttons labeled “Cola,” “Diet,” “Tea,” “RB,” or “Other,” and the rectangular buttons found underneath them. You […]

Why Are Snails And Slugs So Slow?

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If you’ve ever explored your garden or woods after the rain, you’ve probably already seen dozens of snails or slugs crawling around.  You might’ve also seen them climb plants and trees or cross sidewalks. Not to mention, they would always leave this unique, shiny slime trail wherever they go. If you’ve already witnessed a snail […]