Scholars Use AI To Decipher Ancient Scroll Burned During Mount Vesuvius Eruption

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The Herculaneum Papyri is considered one of the most important archaeological discoveries since it’s the only surviving library from the ancient world.  It was discovered in 1752 and contains a collection of Greek philosophical texts written on papyrus scrolls. Over 1,800 papyrus scrolls were buried and burned for centuries under layers of volcanic ash and […]

We Are The Prey EP. 3 (Small Rant Coming Up)

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Razor’s jaws and Killer’s jaws crushed the ends of the sub, causing water to flood in. “BEN, CALL THE BACKUP, I’LL PATCH UP ED!” The captain yelled. Ben rushed to the phone. “BACKUP, MAYDAY, THIS IS THE SEAL! WE HAVE TWO MASSIVE ANIMALS ATTACKING OUR SUB, AND WE CAN’T MOVE IT! WATER’S POURING IN, GET […]