What Do Black Holes Sound Like? Listen To NASA’s Haunting Black Hole Recording Here

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Ever wondered what a black hole sounds like? Want to hear it? Don’t worry. NASA has you covered. On Aug. 22, 2022, NASA released a 34-second audio clip of sound waves emanating from a supermassive black hole. And let me tell you, it sounds amazing yet ominous and creepy at the same time. So what […]

Friday the 13th: Its Origins and Why It Scares People

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From crossing paths with a black cat to looking into a broken mirror, many pervasive superstitions regarding bad luck exist. But one thing that’s significantly considered the harbinger of bad luck is Friday the 13th. This is when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday. And this past January 13, 2023, this […]

Best Life Hacks For Students

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Let’s be honest: Studying can feel quite overwhelming, especially when you’re faced with new responsibilities or still adapting to new routines and learning environments. If you’re currently juggling your in-school and home schedules, having difficulty understanding a specific lesson in class, feeling the pressure to get good grades, or you’re trying to keep up with […]