How Has The Earth’s Core Stayed As Hot As The Sun’s Surface For Billions Of Years?

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The Earth’s structure is divided into four main components: the crust, the mantle, and the inner and outer cores. If you think about it, our planet is a lot like an onion—made up of layers after another. The thin crust is the outermost layer, mostly made of solid rock, basalt, and granite. It’s the surface […]

Types of Rocks Part 1: The Fiery Ones

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Igneous Rocks- The Fiery Ones Huge bubbles of hot, fluid rock called magma form deep in the earth’s mantle and squeeze towards the surface. Occasionally, magma forces its way through the earth’s crust by erupting out of a volcano. Once the magma flows from a volcano, it is called lava. As the lava cools, it eventually hardens […]