40 Nordic Questions – 2024 version!

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So, I made a post back in October of last year called “40 Questions: Nordic Edition,” and that post is kinda outdated. So, I am gonna do another one for 2024. This is basically all from the point of view of a 13-year-old Nordic enthusiast help 40 Questions: Nordic Edition What aspects of Nordic culture […]

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Hello everyone! Really, this is not an article about anything. I am running out of ideas for posts, so I need some suggestions from you. Here’s the chance for you to tell your favorite ideas. Technology Agriculture Astronomy Astrology Mathematic tips Physics Languages Aesthetics Social culture History of America/ Asia/Sri Lanka Ancient civilizations Geology Geography […]

Let’s Celebrate International Minecraft Day!! (17th of May) with Fun Facts

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Hello everyone. As today is international Minecraft day, I hope to share some fun facts about Minecraft with you all. Minecraft captured many hearts of children and even teens all over the world. I used to play it from my pre- school times and I still play it. I hope most of you all are the […]