Fishy Days (cuz I’m lazy): How did you discover KN?

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SPEEDRUN PT2: HI I’M FISHYBOI AND I’M KNOWN FOR THESE RANDOM POSTS TO LET NEW KN USERS KNOW MORE ABOUT EACH OTHER IN THE MOST RANDOM WAYS. Now that’s over with, here is today’s fishy day (Cuz I can’t stay on a steady schedule) How did you discover KidzNet? My answer is complicated. I was in […]

How Has The Earth’s Core Stayed As Hot As The Sun’s Surface For Billions Of Years?

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The Earth’s structure is divided into four main components: the crust, the mantle, and the inner and outer cores. If you think about it, our planet is a lot like an onion—made up of layers after another. The thin crust is the outermost layer, mostly made of solid rock, basalt, and granite. It’s the surface […]

Here’s Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets More Than Others

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Mosquitoes are widespread pesky insects that bite you to suck up blood, leaving your skin’s surface with red, itchy bumps. And what’s even more annoying is when they target you more than others. Now you might wonder why these mosquitoes seem to “love” you more than other people.  What if I tell you there’s a […]

Friday the 13th: Its Origins and Why It Scares People

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From crossing paths with a black cat to looking into a broken mirror, many pervasive superstitions regarding bad luck exist. But one thing that’s significantly considered the harbinger of bad luck is Friday the 13th. This is when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday. And this past January 13, 2023, this […]

What Are Black Holes?

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How black holes are formed Black holes can be formed in many different ways. The most common way that a blackhole is formed is when two neutron stars over millions of years circle around each other and come together to form a black hole. What are black holes? Black holes are things that could potentially […]

Cats Can Recognize Their Owners’ Voices, Study Finds

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If you have a pet cat at home, you’re probably guilty of speaking in a high-pitched voice just to get your cat’s attention. You might even wonder if they ever really recognize you and know you’re talking to them at some point. Well. But what if I tell you that your cat can definitely recognize […]