Imagine you are in a lifeboat. In the water. There is no land in sight. The only thing you have is a lifeboat. Suddenly, thousands of sharks surround the lifeboat! How do you get out? You are in a car in the middle of the night. It is pitch black. The only things you have […]
Just another sketch of some characters of mine.
Being good, or even great at math and science is not difficult. Follow along as I explain the secrets to mastering what many believe are some of the most difficult school subjects. Does even hearing the word “Algebra” make you feel nervous? When someone mentions chemistry or physics, do you start feeling faint? Do you […]
Take this quote challenge to see how well you know famous quotes. Which quotes inspired you the most? Please share other quotes you like in the comments below!
An art sketch.
I want to know your favorite things. Please comment below.
ewo! its me hilolo! Just an update. I recently had a personality change. It will probably pass in a few days, so enjoy da new me! My new personality is kawaii/cute/ childish/softie! I will now use lots of emojis and exclamation points! ( my fav emojis are these )
I can’t get over how bad this meme is-
I think that you get the general idea from the title. Provide some of your strangest stories, funny moments, or just unusual random events that have happened to you in the comments.
Please post funny memes in the comments below.
Black holes are created when a large star (one that is much bigger than our sun)star dies, but it can also become a neutron star. What happens when a large star dies is that inside it compresses because it no longer has any energy to feed on, so it begins to shrink. The protons and […]
What foods do you like the most. Pizza is my favorite! If you could only eat one food your entire life, what would it be? If you could only eat one last meal what would it be? What is your favorite snack food? Potato chips or corn chips? What is your favorite dessert? Favorite flavor […]
George Washington was born on February 22nd, 1732, in Westmoreland country, Virginia, and died on December 14th, 1799 in Mount Vernon, Virginia. He was the first president of the U.S in April 30th,1789. Time line: Born in Westmoreland, country, Virginia (February 22, 1732) Father died (April 12,1743) Joined Lord Fairfax to survey Shenandoah Valley (1748) […]
Pumpkin. Alright, this is self explanatory. THEY WILL MAKE A WHOLE POST ABOUT IT, ABOUT THEIR FAV FOOD, ANYTHING… HECK THEY WILL EVEN CANCEL U FOR IT LunaMoonLight – Alright, lets just skip this one. I don’t wanna get canceled again ;-; KS. Well, you will be pretty outsmarted, plus out numbered. Only pumpkin can […]
In school, I got adopted by my friend from 3rd grade and I adopted my BFF. that’s kinda all bye!
The Bretagne Panther was a Panther used by the French to liberate their people at the end of the war. My friends and I play a board game with tanks and stuff, so i’m going to build this special Panther as a tribute to the people who saved their country.
I’m getting notifications for every single thing!
I have an approved account. Why am I still a Novice?
I’ve suffered from anxiety since I was 3 years old, and during that time I’ve discovered a wide variety of strategies to help me cope with it. I encourage you to try each strategy so you can find the best one for you and I hope my personal strategies to conquer anxiety can help you […]
Making friends seems easy for many kids, but for others, it’s more complicated. Having someone you like and trust to play with, or even just to hang out and watch TV has many benefits. Friends make you happy, relieve stress, and keep you from feeling lonely or isolated. Here are 5 tips on how to […]