Cool Facts About Snakes!

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Snakes are part of the Reptila class. Their scientific name is Serpentes. There are around 3,686 species of snakes. The fastest snake in the world is the black mamba. It can slither up to 12.5 mph. They can also lift a third of their body off the ground while slithering. Some species of snakes can […]

Internet KidzSearch Weekly Sometimes Monthly Best Post Awards (IKWSMBPA)

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Hi there! I am your host of the Internet KidzSearch Weekly, Sometimes Monthly, Best Post Awards (IKWSMBPA) – such a long word! Let us get started! No 4 is Save Wild Mustangs! By @lovelyllama4242I want to promote this beautiful and emotional article . Please donate for them. The links are https://savethehorses.org Number 3 is:Trick questions […]


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Hey guys.. Today I am going to give details about a series named ertugul. Its a turkish series talking about the islamic world in the past. this is not a conversation of religions, though its a conversation about history. Main characters: 2.1Ertuğrul Bey 2.2Turgut Alp 2.3Halime Hatun 2.4Bamsı Beyrek 2.5Hayme Hatun 2.6Gündoğdu Bey 2.7Selcan Hatun […]

Cool Facts About Ducks and Geese!

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Ducks and Geese are part of the animal family Anatidae There are around 120 species of ducks The oldest duck lived to 27 and was a mallard duck Ducks have very few nerves in their feet, allowing them to swim in cold water without their feet getting cold The way geese’s eyes are shaped allows […]

I’m Annoyed

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List of things that i wish my school would unblock/change: Deadname remover My band website where I do my homework. (I need it for band, but they blocked it??) The restricted website thing, it looks scary, like they are mad at me for attempting to use a plagarisim detector. What things do you wish your […]

KidzNet Stickers Are CURSED… KidzWeek #3

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Welcome back to another edition of Kidzweek. Today, we’re gonna go over the KidzSearch stickers (also known as smileys), a cursed set of emojis that were added to the new KidzNet update back in September.  If you didn’t know already, KidzNet users have the option to use stickers as an alternative to emojis in the […]

A Season of Gratitude

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Every last Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is celebrated across the United States. But what is Thanksgiving? How did this holiday begin and, what does this day mean for us now? Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1789 by President George Washington. However, the holiday was celebrated off and on until 1942 when Congress officially […]