Hello, wonderful people! Today’s news: I’m stumped. I have no clue what my next post should be about. Please give me ideas in the comments; if I, @mesal1kepugz27, like your comment, I’m considering it. Thank you for helping me. I truly appreciate you, but I don’t know what to write! Also, while writing this, I […]
Dudes, I bet we all think that we should be able to chat freely with friends. I think so. My only buddy, @mycatlovesme99, says you used to be able to talk to your friends only, but now it’s different. If you think we should be able to do that again, vote and comment below for […]
Some of the guests that are considering joining KidzNet are struggling a little with choosing a username. So, I used my creativity and imagination to make some nice and appropriate usernames for KidzNet. I am going to present them down below: nature_isLITT – for nature lovers iHAVEanIDEA267 – for creative users powering.imagination9930 – for users with big imagination MARTYPANTS52 – […]
I really want to create a successful KidzNet group and feel the best way is to ask my fellow KidzSearchers, so vote in the comments on what group you would like to see