Study Finds: Plants Scream When Stressed, We Just Couldn’t Hear It

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Stress is a universal experience that affects both humans and animals alike. When we’re feeling overwhelmed or hurt, we all have different ways of expressing our emotions. Some may cry or shout, while others turn to meditate and exercise. Others may prefer to write about it or talk to loved ones and friends. Similarly, animals […]

Why Do Fingers Get Wrinkly After A Long Bath Or Swim? Here’s the Answer.

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Have you ever stayed in a bathtub or swimming pool for a long time? If you have, you’ve probably already seen your fingers and toes turn wrinkly like a prune. It’s quite a baffling transformation, right? You know it’s because you spent too long in the water. But why does it happen?  Have you ever […]

Lego Sends 1,000 LEGO Astronaut Minifigures to the Edge of Space

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Throughout history, humanity has always been fascinated by the idea of traveling to space. From satellites and telescopes to rockets, rovers, and probes, scientists have launched a vast array of objects into the great beyond. And, of course, there have been a select few astronauts fortunate enough to venture beyond our planet’s atmosphere. But have […]

Brain Freeze: A Guide to What Causes it, and How to Treat it

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During summer, there’s nothing quite like a refreshing slushy or a delicious scoop of ice cream on a hot day, right? Many often indulge in a sweet, frosty treat to beat the heat. But sometimes, especially for kids, we get a little too excited eating them and end up experiencing sudden and intense pain in […]

How Do Oysters Make Pearls?

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Pearls have been adored for thousands of years around the world for their beauty, elegance, and rarity. They serve as a symbol of sophistication, luxury, and refinement. In ancient civilizations, pearls symbolized light, love, healing, femininity, and perfection.  Pearls have also been used to create enchanting jewelry pieces for centuries, often passed down from generation […]

Here’s How Aromatherapy Can Help Improve A Kid’s Mood and Well-being

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Aromatherapy has been used for years in ancient cultures for medical purposes, but it’s now gaining more popularity as a wellness trend in improving one’s mood or well-being.  But first, what is aromatherapy? It’s the practice of using essential oils extracted from plant parts, including leaves, flowers, bark, peel, or fruit. These natural plant extracts […]

Kraft Heinz’s New Condiment Machine Lets You Make 200 Sauce Combinations

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Whenever we eat chips, crackers, bread, vegetables, fries, mozzarella sticks, chicken wings, or other finger food, there’s always a dipping sauce on the side that goes well with it!  Of course, these food are great on their own, but let’s be honest. They are much better with a superb dipping sauce, as they create a […]


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A black hole is a cosmic body or space region where gravity is so intense and strong that nothing, not even light or other electromagnetic waves, can escape. There are different types of black holes. These are: Stellar-mass: Stellar-mass black holes are found throughout our Milky Way galaxy and have masses less than about 100 […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Biology (2022)

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A lot of people are driven by curiosity and always have that thirst for knowledge. Learning science is an incredible way to quench that desire to discover truths about the world around us.  Through science, we get to seek answers through experimentation and observation. It also helps us form the world we live in today […]

New Airport Screen “Parallel Reality” Shows Personal Flight Information To Multiple People At Once

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If you’ve ever experienced boarding a plane, you might’ve already known how it’s a struggle to figure out your gate number, boarding time, and other travel details by scanning all the different flights shown on the monitors at the airport. Fortunately, on June 30, 2022, Delta Air Lines, Inc. launched an amazing technology that has […]