If you like Dachshunds please comment below and post your favorite photos!
Dogs are loving, loyal, life companions. I think dogs are good pets. They love you unconditionally and are always there for you. Please comment below if you agree with me.
Cats are sweet and cute. I think having a cat is great. Do you like cats? Please comment below and post pictures of your cat!
Ricardo Rodriguez and his 3-year old pitbull named Russ went on a camping trip near Lake Tahoe in August 2021. Everything was going well until Russ somehow got spooked by his surroundings and took off. Rodriquez spent hours looking for him, but all attempts of finding his dog, Russ was unsuccessful. He called the local […]
Hamsters live up to 2 to 3 years but the longest amount a hamster has lived was 4.5 years! Q & A: How can we make hamsters live longer? (Answer down in comments)
I miss my cat in Bangladesh. It’s a persian cat and Leo is my birth constellation.
This group is for animal lovers.
Take our simple quiz to learn if you are a cat whisperer. Are you able to tell when your cat is trying to communicate something important to you? Let us know in the comments how you did and if you believe cats can communicate with humans.