Happy Birthday Imnayeon!!!

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Imnayeon celebrates her birthday on 5th!!! Let’s wish a very happy birthday! To @imnayeon, Hi! I saw your comment on the wall, and just thought to wish you a warm birthday, since I couldn’t forget all your helps and warm welcome for me on KT. I always liked ur name (but always spelled it wrong […]

Reactivating : KidzNet Birthday Celebration Project

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Hello everyone! It has been about 3 months since I started my “KN B-DAY CELEBRATION” project on KidzNet. Because of many reasons – having tests, extracurricular activities and homework, I was unable make time to get it done properly. Now I have more breaks so I am going to “reactivate” my project to make all […]

Happy Birthday Caryl !! from Alex and All KN friends

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Happy Birthday Caryl !! It’s your own special day to celebrate !! We all in KS are gathered to celebrate it. “I hanged around online searching for a  gift for you, but you are such a great friend that nothing seems good enough. But I choose one, even though that doesn’t match you.” You may […]

Birthday Group

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This group is made by Alex to wish a happy birthday to friends on KidzNet. All birthday wishes and a special online birthday cake will appear here on your birthday. Post the month and date of your birthday in the comments if you want to participate.

Happy Birthday Ereena!!! – from Alex

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We are wishing happy birthday to Ereena who celebrates her 12th birthday on the 16th of March!!! I wish you happy birthday to you, who’s one of the best friends I ‘ve ever met… May your dreams come true and may happiness be yours throughout the future… May you have all the courage to achieve […]

When is your Birthday? Let’s celebrate!!! By Alex

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Hi everyone!! When’s your birthday? Comment below and we all  can celebrate it here as one. Just the month and date is enough. Year is not wanted. Please tell the date 5-6 days before your birthday. We all will celebrate it by texting “happy birthday” to you here and MAKE A SPECIAL POST FOR YOUR […]