George Washington

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George Washington was born on February 22nd, 1732, in Westmoreland country, Virginia, and died on December 14th, 1799 in Mount Vernon, Virginia. He was the first president of the U.S in April 30th,1789. Time line: Born in Westmoreland, country, Virginia  (February 22, 1732) Father died (April 12,1743) Joined Lord Fairfax to survey Shenandoah Valley (1748) […]

5 Tips for Kids to Make Friends

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Making friends seems easy for many kids, but for others, it’s more complicated. Having someone you like and trust to play with, or even just to hang out and watch TV has many benefits. Friends make you happy, relieve stress, and keep you from feeling lonely or isolated. Here are 5 tips on how to […]

Bullying and How to Stop It

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There has been more and more talk about kids being bullied in the past decade or more. It seems the problem is more widespread than ever believed and is causing harm to children of all ages. In fact, school safety and crime data from 2019 reveal that 1 out of 5 students experienced bullying. Think about that. […]

Can We Save The Planet, Or Is It Too Late?

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William Shatner (Captain Kirk) traveled to space on a Blue Origin Spaceflight. Below is a video where he shares his experience and was overwhelmed with emotions when he saw our very fragile earth from space. Extreme temperatures and fires around the world are starting to be a daily occurrence once only seen in science fiction […]