I’m Annoyed

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List of things that i wish my school would unblock/change: Deadname remover My band website where I do my homework. (I need it for band, but they blocked it??) The restricted website thing, it looks scary, like they are mad at me for attempting to use a plagarisim detector. What things do you wish your […]

I’m super-sad :(

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Today was supposed to be the 2nd day to school. We had our 1st day on November 2nd while few other students had it on November 1st. And, the other students had their 2nd day on November 3rd, and we didn’t have school on Thursday and Friday ’cause of Diwali, but we were going on […]

Does anyone else have these issues? If you do, PLEASE give me advice. I need some help…

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So, um, me and my girlfriend are really good together, but lately she doesn’t talk to me as much and just now I heard that she saw another guy on Saturday, and I only just know now. I really need help, Please don’t block this … I need some help…

I’m 11!

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I just turned 11 last Monday! Things are great this month. School started in September (IRL) and I missed IRL school SM last year since I went virtual. Since I’m 11 now, my parents now let me walk to school by myself, watch PG-13 movies, and more. My birthday was great! I’m obsessed with Ariana […]

blog 1! +

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hI! I’m sure y’all remember me, I didn’t change my username so that people wouldn’t be confused. I’ve had a lot of things happen in my life. If KN was up, you’d probably see a lot more of my updates. Those things have allowed me to mature as a person – I’m still the same […]