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Hi peeps! It’s me, HoneyFrost3419! Today, I wanted to make a group to shout out to ALL LGBTQIA+ members! If you don’t know what LGBTQIA+ is, it means: L= Lesbian G= Gay B= Bisexual T= Transgender Q= Queer/Questioning I= Intersex A= Asexual + And everyone else! You can feel however you want to feel and […]

Guys, I’m LGBTQIA+

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Okay, guys, I think the title says it all: im LGBTQIA+. LGBTQIA+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, etc. Lesbian means you are a girl who likes girls, gay means you’re a boy who likes boys, and bisexual means you like both boys and girls. You can just Google the rest. What […]