Two Truths and One Lie

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Let’s play a game, shall we? This is “Two Truths and One Lie.”  Here’s how it works: I’ll share three statements—two will be true, and one will be a lie. Your challenge is to figure out which one is the lie!  I’ll reveal the answer in a week, so share your guesses in the comments […]

If You Could Live in Any Time Period, Which One Would You Choose?

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What if you discovered a time machine that could take you anywhere in history?  If you could live in any time period, which one would you choose?  Would you want to explore the Wild West, hang out with dinosaurs, or join a knight on a quest?  Remember, you can choose any time period! So what […]

What’s One Thing You’d Change About The World If You Could?

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Imagine you had the power to change one thing about the world. What would it be?  Maybe you’d want to make sure everyone has enough food or that animals are treated better.  Think about how your choice could make a difference! So, what’s one thing you’d change about the world if you could? Share your […]

If You Could Have a Secret Room in Your House, What Would Be in it?

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Imagine having a secret room in your house that only you know about!  What if it’s a magical place filled with all your favorite things? Or maybe it’s a space where you could fill it with everything you want!  So, what would be in your house if you could have a secret room? Mine would […]

If One of Your Toys Could Come to Life, Which One Would You Choose?

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Have you ever watched the Toy Story movie? Imagine if one of your favorite toys could come to life!  Just picture all the adventures you could go on together!  How fun and cool would that be?  Think about it for a moment—If one of your toys could come to life, which one would you choose?  […]

If You Could Make Up a New Holiday, What Would it be Called?

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Imagine the perfect holiday for you. Remember, it could be anything you want! And how would people celebrate it? Would people have parties, wear special outfits, or do something totally new? So what would it be? Also, what type of big questions would you like to see next?

If You Could Ask A Famous Person One Thing, What Would You Ask?

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Have you ever thought about what it would be like to sit down with someone you really admire and ask them a question? It could be a historical figure, a celebrity, or someone famous.  This is your chance to learn from someone you look up to, see the world through their eyes, and learn about […]

If You Could Live in Any Fictional World, What Would You Pick? Why?

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Have you ever watched a movie, read a book, or played a video game that made you wish you could live in that world?  If you could pick any fictional world to live in, which one would you choose? Why? So what’s yours? Share your answers in the comments below and explain why!

If You Could Have Three Wishes, What Would They Be, and Why?

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Have you ever thought about what you would wish for if a genie appeared and gave you three wishes? Would you wish for superpowers, your favorite food, or something to help the world? You can think about what you want most in life right now. So what is it? Share your wishes in the comments […]

Guess the Song Club!

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Here are the rules for this group: Ok, now that that’s aside. Let’s get to the fun part For example, I say: if the world was ending, I’d wanna be next to youuuuu. Answer: Die with a smile (Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga) So basically, I will come on here daily and say the lyrics […]

Book Reviews!

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Do you like to read? If not, do you like movies? What’s your favorite? If you do like to read, what’s your favorite book? Mine is the Daniels’ Sisters Series (Look it up). You can type a book review or movie review of your favorite book/movie here! Here’s mine!: The Daniels’ Sisters Series is a […]

Here’s How Pumpkin Spice Became the Flavor of Fall

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When we hear the words“fall” or “autumn,” most of us instantly think of pumpkins sitting on porches, leaves changing to orange and red, and then falling off the trees.  We also start thinking about comfy sweaters, getting ready for Halloween, spending time with family at Thanksgiving, the smell of spices, and enjoying that first warm […]

Frankfurt Hosts Germany’s First Hobby Horsing Championship

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Did you know there’s a unique sport where people jump and race around using stick horses instead of real ones? And there’s actually a championship dedicated to this, which just started in Frankfurt on September 14, 2024! Germany’s first championship for hobby horsing started in Frankfurt. Many riders competed in different events using wooden stick […]

What’s your Favorite Emoji?

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Hi! I’m Artist@TheLouvre! What’s your favorite emoji? What they are and How I’m Pretty Sure it Started!: Emojis are a fun way to make expressions through pictures! We mostly use them online or on games! Sometimes, we even use them to challenge our family and friends to decode what they mean! The most popular emojis […]

A Creepy Story

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As the sun began to set behind the decrepit rollercoaster, a lone figure strolled into the abandoned amusement park. Sebastian had always been drawn to the eerie allure of the park, but tonight, he could sense something different in the air. As he walked deeper into the park, the rides began to creak and groan […]