What is everyone’s favorite song?
Hello! Do you know the series Wings of Fire? Who is your favorite character in the series? Mine is Moonwatcher!
Hello! I have lots of favorites, but my all-time favorite is probably “The 1” by Taylor Swift! She is an amazing Pop artist! I listen to her albums, Folklore and Evermore when it’s fall time because they give me such cozy vibes! Anyways, what is your favorite song, and by which artist? What kind of […]
What are your favorite songs that were music to your ears? Type in the comments and share your favorites.
What is your favorite game? Answers could be: And on another topic, what is your favorite console? Basically, anything you can think of! Vote and comment your answers below!
My favorite video game is Roblox. What’s your favorite video game? Comment below in the comments!
Well Hello! My name is @realfishyboi and if you don’t know, I have been a user of KN for 1 full year (Sorta if you count my hiatus). I do these things called “Fishy Fridays” and “Strange Saturdays” (Just depends on when I post said post). These Posts are just random questions to get to […]
What is Your favorite type of dog? Comment below and post pictures!
Hi everyone. So what is your all time favorite food? Tell us about it in the comments and you can also post a picture of it! Okay, I’ll start first! Mine is pizza!!!
My fav song is Brooklyn In The Summer by Aloe Blacc. He makes awesome songs. What is your favorite song? Please post them in the comments. Note: They must be kid-friendly songs.
Do you watch Stranger Things? The TV series is about a young boy who disappears. His mother, a police chief and his friends must confront scrary supernatural forces in order to get him back. Which character relates to you the most? I honestly pick eleven, Eddie or Steve. I pick eleven because she has bright […]
What music band do you like the most? Mine is KIDZ BOP Kids. Comment below with your favorite group!
What is your favorite book title? What character would you be in your favorite book? Would you live in your favorite book’s setting? And lastly, what is your least favorite book? Remember these are just opinions.
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Vote for your favorite Thanksgiving food item. Did we miss something you really liked? You can vote for more than one item. How did you enjoy your Thanksgiving leftovers? Share you favorite Thanksgiving leftover tips in the comments.