Yes, you heard, I am running yet again. So I will try to anything I can that is good. I will try to be on KN as much as I can! Please vote for who you believe in. I understand if you don’t vote me. (This post was very short).
Me and Engelsman-tv have tied for first in the KidzNet president election. This is a tiebreaker, so no others will be able to join at this point. Vote away!
Everyone. Attention KidzNet inhabitants! @itrules0ut343 is running for KidzNet president! I vote for him, and I’m his campaign manager, so I’m allowed to make this post. I can’t believe how many people are running. Anyways, no matter how many people are running vote Itrules0ut343! @itrules0ut343 will be the best president ever, so vote for him!