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Nominees: The nominees are as follows: @Pumpkin @emozookeeper281 @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha @esie (myself) @flowermagic1234 @marshmallowsmoosh @dukesilver and Fishyboi! Best Post Writing? Who is the best at writing posts? Funniest? Which user do you think loves jokes and is sarcastic all the time? Friendliest? What user has been really kind to you? Best […]

Best User Awards RETURNING SOON!

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I am officially continuing the Best User Awards! Since I left, many people have joined and therefore have become prominent in the KidzNet community.  If you do not know how the process works, here is a link to my old award ceremony: THE OFFICIAL KN Cup- KidzNet Awards! User Nominees: Default Nominees By Points, Friends, Etc. (Do […]

The KidzNet PicMix Contest!

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Welcome to the one & only PicMix contest hosted on KidzNet! This time you guys are going to make a PicMix themed to your favorite character from a franchise! The site has a drag & drop interface like Blingee. You can use the left side of the editor to make user generated ornamentations known as […]

Tell Us Your Best Study Tips. Best Advice Gets a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

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This contest is only open to KidzNet members (registration is free and only takes a minute). Just post a comment in our Best Studying Tips For Kids post. The best comment will win a $50 Amazon gift card!!! The last date you can enter is March 31st, 2022 (extended). Winners will be announced on April […]