Anti-Bullying Week

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Hello everyone, @Lavendertea here :3 Bullying has a large impact on all of our lives, whether you’re the bully or bullied.Adults always say that it is alright, but they don’t have our perspective.People get put down or bullied even more when seeking help. It is not fair to be bullied, and we all need support […]

The Psychology of Bullying: Why Bullies Do It?

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Have you ever witnessed any of these things: A group of kids excluding one kid from playing with them or name-calling because of their appearance, interests, or background? The “popular boy” taunting, shoving, or hitting a smaller kid at the playground? The “mean girl” spreading rumors or gossiping about someone to make them look bad? […]

The Real Me 2: Stop It Bully

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So far there’s only the text of the bully story, but today were telling the story about a boy named Carmenile Whstrong. Carmenile always got teased because of his name car-men-nile whs-strong, every time there was a substitute teacher they said his name like Cartmannyle Whats-Strong. There was a kid named Harry who bothered him […]

Bullying and How to Stop It

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There has been more and more talk about kids being bullied in the past decade or more. It seems the problem is more widespread than ever believed and is causing harm to children of all ages. In fact, school safety and crime data from 2019 reveal that 1 out of 5 students experienced bullying. Think about that. […]