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Hey guys! So, I think we all know that artist has given up. This breaks my heart! So I’m running! And I’d like to say a few words too! Artist, im sorry that everyone had to be so discouraging! It makes me mad! So I’m going to make peace here! I don’t know why everything […]

How To Run For KN President And Voting Rules

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I already said this in a comment, but some people may have missed it. So here it is: +++++ HOW TO RUN: 1. Publicly declare you are running (via community wall or post). 2. Make a campaign. VOTING RULES: 1. No voting for people multiple times. You can only vote for one person. You can […]

I’m Running for President!

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Ok guys I’m running for Kidznet president. I’m sorry @gravitycentered that I’m running against you, but thanks for telling me how to campaign for president! You will get a shoutout in my Minecraft world, and so will you @vikinggirl26 cause you’re so nice and funny! Please all of you vote for me! PS. Can’t make […]


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Okay. All candidates will debate about why you should vote for them in the comments. You will make points like: Why the others should NOT be president Disadvantages about others being president Why you should be president Advantages with having you as president Do not let the debate get aggressive. State your points, counter false […]

I Am Running For KN President!!!

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As with Guest, I, too, saw the election and thought, why not? I want to run for election because even if I probably won’t win, it’ll be fun competing with others. Also, thank you for reading this. I will try to help with conflicts to the best of my abilities. So please pick me for […]


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You have five candidates to vote for: Me, GravityCentered, who is with the balance party and is campaigning for equality and quality in Kidznet, Mestyle, who is with no party that we know of and is campaigning for safety and better moderation in Kidznet. Harrypotherobssesedravenclawgirl, who is with no party that we know of and […]

I, @mestyle, am Running for President for the 2nd Half of the Election!

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Thank you for looking at this announcement. I saw that there was an election, and I thought “Why not?” I think this will be really fun. The voting, the deciding, all of it! Especially my opponent. GravityCentered isn’t half bad! I think we both have a good shot at winning. But if you choose to […]

2nd Half of 2023 KN Presidential Election

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THE 2ND HALF OF THE 2023 KN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HAS STARTED! I AM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT! My party is the “balance” party. We go for equality among boys and girls here. My campaign slogan is: Equality and Quality. If you are running for president, please comment on the community wall that you are running. You […]

Presidential Trivia

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How well do you know your Presidential facts? Question 1: Which of the first 12 presidents was the first not to own slaves? A; James Madison B; Andrew Jackson C; John Adams Question 2: Who was the first president to die in office? A; John Quincy Adams B; William Henry Harrison C; James Knox Polk Question […]

I’m Running for Prez! (Again)

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Hello people! As the title says, I am running for president. I’m thinking of instant comment approval, and if someone says something bad, we could just add a report button. that’s all for now. Actually, there’s one more thing. You can run for being my campaign manager. Just ask in the comments and maybe I’ll […]

10 Historic Firsts For Women

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Throughout history, women have faced immense challenges in a largely male-dominated society. They were often denied basic rights and opportunities, and their achievements were overshadowed by gender biases.  However, many incredible women have defied expectations and achieved remarkable “firsts” across various fields. While women still encounter inequality in our society, these pioneering women teach us […]

Centuries-Old Bottles of Cherries Found Beneath George Washington’s Home

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Did you know that George Washington had a deep love for cherries?  Yes. It’s true! This interesting fact about the first President of the United States recently resurfaced when a search of his estate uncovered bottles of cherries preserved in brandy.  A priceless discovery was made in the basement of George Washington’s Mount Vernon home […]

Amazing Facts #1

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Learning new and interesting facts can be quite fun and satisfying. It helps us learn more and understand our world better. Plus, sharing these facts with others can spark engaging conversations and help us learn new things. So today, I’ll be sharing some mind-blowing facts to get us started. Feel free to join in our […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 6- Texan-Californian War Pt. 6

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The Texans clearly were winning. Californian President George Carlton was saddened, but he realized something. California had 40 million people, and Texas had 31 million. Soon, Carlton decided to introduce a conscription system. Although it was met with resistance, the Californian military now had 3.7 million people as compared to the 2.1 million people of […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 3- Texan-Californian War Pt. 3

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After the embarrassing failure at Chance Taylor Hill, General Thomas was stumped. He took every step needed for victory, but he started to doubt that. Meanwhile, on the Californian West Coast, Head Admiral Rivers was going to make the first landing on the beaches. On first sight of the Texan fleet, Californian President George Carlton […]