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The sky is not gray, but yet not blue. White specks fall from clouds strewn across the sky. Like feathers from a bird of joy does the snow does come to the ground.  A scent sweeps its way through the needles of the lively evergreens and captures me. Hot chocolate is being prepared in the […]

4 Learning Styles

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Have you ever stared at a formula on the classroom wall and it looks like gibberish written in a foreign language? Have you ever been in class and for some reason all you hear is the teacher’s voice from the Charlie Brown movies? Never fear, these things do not mean something is wrong with your […]

Tips To Manage Your Anxiety (Part 1)

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I’ve suffered from anxiety since I was 3 years old, and during that time I’ve discovered a wide variety of strategies to help me cope with it. I encourage you to try each strategy so you can find the best one for you and I hope my personal strategies to conquer anxiety can help you […]

Best Study Tips For Kids

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All of your life, you have been learning new skills. When you were five years old, someone taught you how to tie your shoes. At age six, you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. Fast forward to your pre-teen and teen years, and you might know several skateboard tricks, how to do […]

Dinosaur Facts

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Here are some cool Dinosaur facts I learned in school. Birds are actually dinosaur descendants! If you look at their feet, they look like dinosaur foot prints. They both lay eggs too. Dinosaurs were very colorful and some even had colored feathers all over their body. Dinosaurs were on earth for about 160 million years. […]