Rare White Buffalo Calf Born in Yellowstone National Park

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In June 2024, a rare white buffalo calf was born in Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park.  A photographer named Erin Braaten captured these amazing photos of the young calf on June 4, 2024. The photo was taken as a group of bison were crossing a road, causing the traffic to come to a stop.  […]

Do Cats Actully Have 9 Lives?

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We have all probably heard that cats have nine lives. Is it fact or fiction???🤔🤔 Well… DRUMROLL, please. It is a myth, so fiction. Explanation The belief that a cat has “nine lives” is deeply rooted in folklore and has fascinated people for centuries. This expression suggests that cats possess high resilience and can survive […]

Disappearing Giants: The Vanishing of the World’s Largest Fish

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Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish in the ocean, often reaching up to 49 feet long! Their broad, flat head, wide mouth, unique white spots, and white belly make them easy to spot.  They’re found in tropical or sub-tropical oceans around the world, including the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. People, especially snorkelers and […]

Some Cool Shark Facts!

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Sharks are some of the coolest creatures in the ocean! With over 500 different species, they come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny little guys to massive giants over 40 feet long. They live in every ocean on earth and play an important role in keeping it healthy and balanced. Despite what you might […]

Why Are These Baby Emperor Penguins Jumping From A 50-foot Cliff?

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For the first time, experts have captured video footage of emperor penguin chicks jumping off a cliff in Antarctica. This “never-before-seen” footage was recorded using a drone in January 2024.  The video shows around 700 fledglings gathering on top of an ice shelf about 50 feet above the ocean and taking their first swim in […]

Meet My New Fishes!

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Hello! It is I, @Itrules0ut343! Today, I want to talk about my new fishies! Here, I will tell you my fish’s names and personalities! Now, let’s DIVE right in! (Haha) Shane This spry-scaled superstar is the most energetic of the bunch. Shane LOVES food and will eat the second the food hits the water! He […]

Why Do Bees Have Queens?

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Did you know that honeybees are important for our ecosystem’s survival? They help pollinate plants that produce food for us and many animals. Without them, our ecosystem could collapse. So, we owe them a lot! But have you ever wondered how they work together to keep their colony safe? Honeybees live in hives with a […]

Do Goldfish Really Have A 3-Second Memory? Debunking This Popular Myth

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I’m sure you’ve already heard about the myth that goldfish have a memory span of only three seconds. Many of us have believed this is true, but what if I tell you that it’s actually wrong? Yes. You read that right! It turns out that Dory, from the movie Finding Dory, would not have a […]

Should Animals be Kept in Captivity? My Opinion

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Do you think animals should or should not be held in captivity? Some people say that animals should be in the wild to do whatever they want, and have other animals that can do whatever they want to try to “have them over for dinner.” They should have blissful days not being in captivity, and […]

All About Tigers!!!!

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Tigers are awesome creatures and I really love them. Here’s some stuff about them – COMMON NAME: Bengal Tiger SCIENTIFIC NAME: Panthera tigris tigris TYPE: Mammals DIET: Carnivore (meat eaters) AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN THE WILD: 8 to 10 years SIZE: Head and body: 5 to 6 feet; tail: 2 to 3 feet WEIGHT: 240 to 500 pounds Cool Tiger Facts: […]

How Do Fireflies Glow?

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Every now and then, you may catch a glimpse of fireflies emerging from the grass and trees. On a warm summer night, they illuminate the place with their soft, enchanting glow like tiny, twinkling stars flickering and dancing in the darkness. If you’ve already seen fireflies, I’m sure you’re familiar with the stunning beauty of […]

Japan’s Newest Species: The Skeleton Panda Sea Squirt

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Our planet is home to an incredibly diverse range of species, with new discoveries being made every year. In fact, did you know that it’s estimated that approximately 18,000 new species are discovered every year, adding to the already comprehensive record of life on Earth?  That’s a LOT, right? Today, I have some exciting news […]

Drone May Have Captured The First Image Of A Newborn Great White Shark

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Would you believe me if I told you that until recently, no one had ever seen a newborn baby shark alive in the wild? Believe it or not, no one had been able to identify where they were born before. Humans have only seen adult great whites; newborns were always a mystery. But on July […]

Siberian Husky

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Welcome, everyone! Today’s topic is the Siberian husky. These majestic animals are purebred and come up to around 20 to 33 inches at the shoulders. They originated from Siberia, Russia. These perfect pups are friendly and social. In adulthood, they weigh around 35 to 60 pounds. These dogs are energetic and love getting exercise on […]

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails? This Might Be The Real Reason

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Have you ever noticed how your dogs (if you have pets at home) always seem to wag their tails? Let’s be honest. It’s one of the most adorable behaviors of dogs; you can particularly see it when you come home or when your dog spots another furry companion. But have you ever wondered why they […]


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What Happened To The Largest Primate Species Ever To Inhabit The Earth?

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Have you ever heard of the largest primate species to ever exist?  Meet the Gigantopithecus blacki, the giant ape that roamed southeast Asia 2 million to 300,000 years ago. This ancient primate stood up to 10 feet tall (3 meters) and weighed over 440 to 660 pounds (200–300 kg), approximately three to four times a […]

Sharks and Orcas- A Fishy Relationship

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Sharks. Great White Shark We look at them as scary beasts, and they can live up to that view. Great Whites eat nearly everything in the ocean. Some have been recorded taking on humpback whales. These guys are the top dogs of the ocean. Or are they? Meet: Orca Performing at Seaworld Seaworld performers? Yes, […]

Owney: The World’s Most Traveled Dog

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Have you ever heard of the extraordinary story of a dog who became the most famous traveled postal dog, thanks to his love for mail?  Meet Owney, a terrier mix that became a beloved mascot for the Railway Mail Service and the United States Postal Service for nine years.  Amazing, right? But you may wonder, […]

Giant Squids

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The giant squid is an inhabitant of the seas of Japan. Its scientific name is Architeuthis Dux. It is also known to be the largest invertebrate on the planet. Their eyes have been recorded to be 10 inches in diameter. Instead of a mouth, squids have beaks, kinda like birds. They mostly eat deep sea […]