I want to know your favorite things. Please comment below.
Pumpkin. Alright, this is self explanatory. THEY WILL MAKE A WHOLE POST ABOUT IT, ABOUT THEIR FAV FOOD, ANYTHING… HECK THEY WILL EVEN CANCEL U FOR IT LunaMoonLight – Alright, lets just skip this one. I don’t wanna get canceled again ;-; KS. Well, you will be pretty outsmarted, plus out numbered. Only pumpkin can […]
KidzSearch would be the parent for sure. Duke Silver would be the cool big brother. Autumn is the cute little sister and also Elo . I would be the one that will fight you for the tv remote. Pumpkin is the silly middle child. Turtleunicorns feels like she would be the mean older sister. Gemheart, […]
What’s up Kidzsearchers! (did that make you cringe?) I want to make this the lowest-rated post in kidzsearch history. This is basically the opposite of clout-chasing. Instead of love, I want hate. I will start off by saying controversial things and terrible opinions. All you have to do is give me the hate Pineapple […]
TikTok is so fun! How many of you use TikTok? Have you ever posted a TikTok video?
Yee, Everyone I’m slightly bored, and I don’t know what to do so can anyone give me some ideas? Anything would be great!