Have you ever thought about what you would wish for if a genie appeared and gave you three wishes? Would you wish for superpowers, your favorite food, or something to help the world? You can think about what you want most in life right now. So what is it? Share your wishes in the comments […]
Here are the rules for this group: Ok, now that that’s aside. Let’s get to the fun part For example, I say: if the world was ending, I’d wanna be next to youuuuu. Answer: Die with a smile (Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga) So basically, I will come on here daily and say the lyrics […]
I hope you all have a wonderful year ahead!
Post your favorite thing you got for Christmas. I got a new iPhone. What did you get???
Hey, guys. This is Somveda or Sharkyman with a new account. Actually, I forgot my account email. But coming to the topic, I would like to continue the Annual Kidznet Award which I did in 2021! Here, some conditions have been changed, and new awards have been added, so here are they:
Are you familiar with the Wicked Musical? It’s been loved by many people since it debuted on Broadway. Recently, many have become more interested in it (that includes me!), especially with the new movie in theaters. You might’ve already heard about it since a film adaptation of this musical hit the cinemas. I’m sure you’ve […]
Hi! Welcome to the Room Tour Group. Here, we can post our rooms, and ask for advice about decor we can make our rooms more pretty! Have fun! But make sure to avoid any personal information or any photos that could identify your location!
OMG. It’s the first week of December. It’s almost Xmas! #yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay presents. Here are great ideas for Xmas! #read this (TBH, I know I’m weird) I dare you to put the tree up in SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you most excited about Christmas?
The golden retriever I’m looking after is massive but also adorable. He stands up for people being hurt or bullied. This isn’t loads; I just wanted to share the picture.
Hello, weirdos! As the title plainly states, this is a Q&A post. You ask me questions and I answer them! I will not answer questions about my personal life. NO ARGUING! That’s been a HUGE problem lately. Anyways, ask away! BYE! -Itrules0ut343 P.S. Sorry for such a small post.
Every Halloween, many people are excited to decorate their homes and porches with fun, spooky decorations. You might see orange and black lights, faux spiders, witch’s cauldrons, hanging ghosts, carved pumpkins shining on steps, and skeletons in yards. You’ve probably noticed some awesome Halloween decorations in your neighborhood, or maybe your house is already looking […]
Hi! In this post, you can post things like hair, outfit, room, etc. Anything you like! Just don’t post personal stuff like faces! Have fun!
Here’s a post where you can show your Halloween costume! Comment down below with an image! But make sure NOT TO SHOW your face or any personal information.
When we hear the words“fall” or “autumn,” most of us instantly think of pumpkins sitting on porches, leaves changing to orange and red, and then falling off the trees. We also start thinking about comfy sweaters, getting ready for Halloween, spending time with family at Thanksgiving, the smell of spices, and enjoying that first warm […]
Have you heard of Moo Deng? She’s a baby hippo who quickly became famous online for her adorable and funny reactions. You might’ve even scrolled past her memes without realizing it – it certainly happened to me! Her playful behavior, such as gently biting a zookeeper and mimicking her mom by pretending to eat solid […]
Did you know there’s a unique sport where people jump and race around using stick horses instead of real ones? And there’s actually a championship dedicated to this, which just started in Frankfurt on September 14, 2024! Germany’s first championship for hobby horsing started in Frankfurt. Many riders competed in different events using wooden stick […]
Hey guys! Today I’m going to tell you why I LOVE pugs! By the way, @mesal1kepugz27 made the same post a while ago, so I am inspired by their post! Why I love pugs! So, as you may know, I LOVE pugs! But I have never told y’all why! Finally, getting to the explanation, It […]
Hey, there, peeps! It’s me, HoneyFrost3419! Today, I wanted to find out what y’all’s zodiac signs are! I forgot all of them, but I know a couple of them! Taurus the bull Gemini the… (IDK what Gemini is) Leo the lion (that’s me!!!)(Here’s a fun fact about me: I was born on the last day […]
Hey peeps! I’m HoneyFrost3419, and I want to have a friendly competition. I would love for you to try to guess my favorite animal!!! (Mammal Edition) So, what do you think is my favorite animal?
Hi! I’m Artist@TheLouvre! What’s your favorite emoji? What they are and How I’m Pretty Sure it Started!: Emojis are a fun way to make expressions through pictures! We mostly use them online or on games! Sometimes, we even use them to challenge our family and friends to decode what they mean! The most popular emojis […]