Pokémon’s popularity is rising steadily, and more and more Pokémon are being introduced. But I bet they are running out of ideas, because the Pokémon you are about to see are even weirder than last time. Which one will win the title of weirdest? Xurkitree Now, what is this supposed to be, exactly? It looks like […]
Out of these 5 weird Pokemon lineups, which do you think will win the title of WEIRDEST? 1: Calyrex Calyrex, is, just where the Pokemon company failed a little. It is just a deer with a green ball for antlers. 2: Oranguru Now, they could have just made this one look at least a little […]
I can fix up a Pokémon card customized for you. Answer these questions in the comments: What mythical creature do you like best? Dragon Giant Spider Unicorn Fairy Sea Serpent Phoenix What two attack names do you want your Pokémon to have? Do you want yours to be cute or epic? Should it be unstoppable? […]