Every Halloween, many people are excited to decorate their homes and porches with fun, spooky decorations. You might see orange and black lights, faux spiders, witch’s cauldrons, hanging ghosts, carved pumpkins shining on steps, and skeletons in yards. You’ve probably noticed some awesome Halloween decorations in your neighborhood, or maybe your house is already looking […]
Hi! In this post, you can post things like hair, outfit, room, etc. Anything you like! Just don’t post personal stuff like faces! Have fun!
Here, we welcome and respect everyone, no matter their gender or sexuality. We will be kind. We will not, under any circumstances, be rude to one another. This is a safe place to talk about anything, so please be kind again. Just avoid posting personal information! Have fun!
Technology has come a long way now, from AI-generated images to videos and other forms of artwork. But did you know that, aside from artificial intelligence creating “art,” a humanoid robot artist is also gaining popularity for its paintings? Amazing, right? Ai-Da is the first ultra-realistic artist robot in the world that was created in […]
About 66 million years ago, a massive asteroid called the Chicxulub hit the Earth, which was once dominated by dinosaurs. The asteroid was about 10 kilometers (6 miles) in diameter, with an impact that caused giant waves, raging wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and a long period of darkness because dust and debris blocked the sun. Because […]
I’m bored! Let’s do our hair reveal. But make sure to avoid your face or any personal information! Here’s mine!
Did you know people have been using pesticides for a long time? Yes. You read that right. And it’s true! The first records of using them go back to the eighth century BC, when they were mentioned for treating fungus in Homer’s stories. Homer is thought to have written two important poems of ancient Greece, […]
This club is for fans of Gorillaz. But if you don’t know what Gorillaz is, let me tell you it’s the best band ever! The band was created by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett. The band has four members, which are only fictional. They are 2-D (vocals, keyboards), Murdoc Niccals (bass guitar), Noodle (guitar, keyboards, vocals), and Russel Hobbs […]
Here’s a post where you can show your Halloween costume! Comment down below with an image! But make sure NOT TO SHOW your face or any personal information.
Did you know that between 80 to 90 tropical cyclones form every year around the world? More than half of these grow strong enough to be called hurricanes. And on average, about five hurricanes hit the US coast over three years. Unfortunately, hurricanes continue to rise each year in the US, mainly near the coast. […]
Did you know that reaching the summit of Mount Everest has become the ultimate goal for some mountain climbers? Yes. That’s right. Mount Everest has always been a dream destination for hikers and climbers around the world. It’s the highest mountain or peak on Earth, sitting at 8,848m (or 29,029 feet) in the Himalayas in […]
If you play flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, piccolo, saxophone, etc., this is the group for you! This is also for those who want to start and be part of a band and learn how to play! I play the flute, and my favorite song is Happy Birthday. How about you? What do you play? Please […]
Welcome to the art club! : D This art club is where you can share your art or enter it in competitions! That’s right, competitions! We will have an art contest every week with a new theme! You have all week to finish your art for the competitions, don’t worry. You DO NOT have […]
Hello people! This is exactly what it sounds like. You give me art prompts, and I make them! I’m not the best artist, but I’m still pretty good! I will make the art when I make the art tho. So comment down below! Tell me what you want me to draw. (Also, sorry for such […]
Hey peeps! It’s Cats4eva (the new thing I’m calling myself cuz my username is too long)! Today I wanted to make a group for all Therians to talk to! Curry’s are also allowed! Rules: Be nice! We don’t want anyone’s feelings hurt! No swearing! We have a couple of younger peeps, so please don’t cuss! […]
When we hear the words“fall” or “autumn,” most of us instantly think of pumpkins sitting on porches, leaves changing to orange and red, and then falling off the trees. We also start thinking about comfy sweaters, getting ready for Halloween, spending time with family at Thanksgiving, the smell of spices, and enjoying that first warm […]
Hey guys… I wanna draw u, so please lemme! I can draw well, so please tell me what u want me to draw, and I draw it! Thank u!!!
This is the group where you can talk about who your crush is and why you like them, especially when you’re too shy! The boy I like is named Trevino, but I’ll call him T. He has hazel eyes and poofy brown hair, and he is hilarious when I look at his eyes. I can’t […]
Did you know that Stonehenge, which is located in Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, is one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments? It’s also known for being the only stone circle that still exists today and has been protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986. About 1 million people visit Stonehenge yearly […]