Hello, KS Did I remember seeing your post about being able to use our points as currency in MyCred? If so, how are we supposed to use them? What is the plan with this idea? Hope to hear from you soon. – Romi330
kidzsearch can we plz have bio’s
Do it for a cookie
Merhaba, KS I was looking through my posts and I noticed that the Noble Member, Trusted Member, Active Member, and Member do not correspond with our profiles. Where it says Rank: Newbie/Novice it doesn’t mention anything about the previously listed Member Ranks. What type of requirements are there for these Member Ranks? – Romi330
Goddag, KS I was wondering since I like hosting challenges and giveaways. Are we (the KN community that isn’t staff) allowed to give away monetary prizes such as gift cards and crypto? I have a lot of ideas in mind when it comes to this stuff. Would we have to give you (staff) the codes or […]
Talk anything about books in this group! For boys and girls!
Do you have conspiracy theories? If you do let me know. I enjoy seeing all the texts in the chat box. Do you believe in aliens or other forms of life in other galaxies .
DO NOT READ THIS Okay, you opened it. Here is the worst thing I’ve ever created in my entire life. I am so sorry. (It’s a joke about American History/the musical Hamilton)
Yassou, KS I noticed that some people (including myself) now carry the Novice Rank. Are there any permissions that come with this rank? Is there a point requirement for the rank? Is it just time-based or do you need to have a certain post requirement? Anyway, thanks for reading – Romi330
I don’t know why I did this, but it still makes me laugh. So here is the meme I promised.
Welcome! Every and anyone is welcome! We are all children of God. And wish that none should perish but have everlasting life! If you want to learn more about Jesus and how he paid the price for our sins, please contact me! I am always here to help. Have a great day!
Want to save the planet? You can save the planet by Planting and watering plants Not cutting down trees Hope this is useful,technoferret303
How do I change my profile pic of me. I am completely like lost…
Reasons to join- The cover is Leo Tolstoy. Memes are cool. Anyone can join. We need more than one persons input. I’ll post memes I made if you post something (they’re kind of terrible, but yeah.) I don’t know, but I like bullet points. We need more memes. Okay, yeah. Have a nice day. Here’s […]
KS, sometimes when I post a comment, it posts it multiple times and shows it at the wrong place on the thread. This has happened several times in a comment thread on this post. Thanks in advance!
Do you like apples? Here are some cool apple trivia facts: There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples! Most apples trees came from Europe. The only apple native to North America is the sour Crabapple. Washington is the #1 producer of apples in the U.S. An Apple tree can grow up to 40 feet […]
Eeee kidznet is back
Vote for your favorite fast food place. If we missed one you really like, please comment below so we can add it. Do you agree with the voting results? What are some of your favorite fast food items at these well known places. You can vote for more than one item.
Should i build a walking tank with barbie legs?
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