Scientists Have Unearthed a New Dinosaur with Shorter Arms Than a T.Rex

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While searching for new dinosaur fossils in the La Colonia Formation of Argentina, scientists found a single toe bone sticking out from the ancient rock.  After further digging, they uncovered the remains of a previously unknown 16-foot-long meat-eating dinosaur that lived in prehistoric Patagonia approximately 69 million years ago, during the Maastrichtian age of the […]

A 12-Year-Old Art Prodigy Has Been Compared To Picasso

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Andres Valencia, a 12-year-old boy from California, is gaining attention for his large, colorful paintings influenced by Cubism. He creates imaginative artworks using a mix of oil sticks and oil and acrylic paint. When art pieces are large, Andres uses a step ladder to reach them. Recently, Andres painted “Romero,” a medium-sized piece featuring a […]

Do Cats Actully Have 9 Lives?

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We have all probably heard that cats have nine lives. Is it fact or fiction???🤔🤔 Well… DRUMROLL, please. It is a myth, so fiction. Explanation The belief that a cat has “nine lives” is deeply rooted in folklore and has fascinated people for centuries. This expression suggests that cats possess high resilience and can survive […]

ADHD… What Is It?

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Hello, yunnies! ☆ Today, I’m going to talk about ADHD… A~attention D~deficit H~hyperactivity D~disorder Adhd is a brain disorder where your brain either has hyperactivity, inattentivity, or both. Boys usually have hyperactivity, and girls usually have the inattentive type. Girls and boys can have both. Hyperactivity can be noticed if you move around a lot, […]

Disappearing Giants: The Vanishing of the World’s Largest Fish

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Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish in the ocean, often reaching up to 49 feet long! Their broad, flat head, wide mouth, unique white spots, and white belly make them easy to spot.  They’re found in tropical or sub-tropical oceans around the world, including the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. People, especially snorkelers and […]

The First Mexican Taco Stand To Get A Michelin Star

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In the food industry, a Michelin star is awarded to the best restaurants in a city, giving them prestige and attracting more customers.  Restaurants with a Michelin Star are known for their exceptional cooking, which is based on five main criteria: ingredient quality, flavor harmony, cooking techniques, the chef’s personality shown through the cuisine, and […]

The Scandinavian Emigration Era Explained :]

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Hej guys. It’s Carly So, I wrote an essay about the Scandinavian Emigration Era for fun because I can. I actually wrote this during swim school a few days ago because there was a thunderstorm, and we were evacuated. I made an essay similar to this last year, and I see improvement. So here it […]

Archaeologists Reveal The Face Of A 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman

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Around 200,000 years ago, a group of ancient humans called Neanderthals or Homo neanderthalensis lived in Eurasia (Europe and Asia). But they mysteriously became extinct around 40,000 years ago and were replaced by Homo sapiens or modern-day humans. Researchers have studied Neanderthals’ physical appearance and found that they are similar to humans. However, they have […]