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I was on vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I had been there for a few weeks, just getting into the groove of things. That day had begun like any other. Little did I know my life would be put on the line in the pool, and my trust betrayed for years to come.

I got dressed, ate breakfast, grabbed my towel, and headed out to the pool with my 5 y/o brother. Let’s call him Jim. We got into the pool and goofed around for a bit. Jim then proposed that we race from one side of the pool to the other. Knowing that I would win because I was a better swimmer than him. I immediately said yes and we went to the side of the pool and got ready for the race.

Jim counted down, and the race started. We were tied off at first, but I quickly pulled ahead. Jim saw this and decided to try and drown me, so he grabbed my hair and pushed me under the water. He just wouldn’t let go, and he had floats on, so he was virtually unstoppable. After just a minute, a MINUTE of struggling and trying to swim away, I felt like I was slowly moving towards the dying process. My lungs were now filling with water and I was left with no choice but to kick and punch him until he let go, swimming faster than a trained professional.

I made my way to the side of the pool, coughing up half of the pool in the process. Luckily, my parents got there just in time and got me to the hospital for respiratory recovery. I never trusted Jim again.

I hope you enjoyed that true story of my trip to Puerto Vallarta and my ptsd of pools for 2 years after that. Goodbye KidzNet and have a wonderful day!

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