Hi friends! I’m Back! (Official Post) Jason and Eliza

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So everyone! I’m back after weeks. I felt these weeks as such a long time without you.

I’ve been waiting for this great moment when I come back to KN. And I’ve completed all my exams in IWMS, Trinity, and Cambridge successfully.

Mom and Dad decided to give me a break from all those until this September, so I’m gonna mind on scl studies only.

So I see many posts have been posted, and many new things happened during these weeks. So Eliza told me what she did and what everyone did.

And I think some friends were confused with our username (ALEX-ELIZA), but It really isn’t something bad. It’s just bcz Eli is sharing my acc.

So Eli has also made some great posts and bday wishes also. I hope she was also a good friend to u, as same as she had been to me.

We read all that Family Forever series, and we both loved it a lot. Eli says she loves kn a lot and its members.

I read most of your msgs sent while only Eli was here. I’m thankful for all ur lovely comments you’ve sent. And JD, Eliza told me something that you told me, but that doesn’t matter, right?😂

And finally, I have to say I missed you all so much, all my friends!! And if there are any new users, I welcome you all to this great site.

And Eliza, thank you so much for managing my acc until I come and doing the best for my acc.

However, Eliza will be here for more days! Isn’t it great? From tomorrow, we’ll be activating all my started projects again – riddles and bday wishings (thanks for continuing these, Eliza!). And @1, special thanks to you for changing the username for my request.

Please comment if u see this msg! I’d like to see your lovely comments soon!

Ok, so have a nice day everyone!! Now let’s give the chance to Eliza.

With the greatest wishes,



So, friends, I had a really great time with Kidznet. I loved all the experiences I had during these weeks.

I enjoyed the company of yours very much!! I’ll be here for a more few days with Jase. So hope you will have that nice time with Jason again💛!

with love,


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