Hello readers, and welcome to the first meeting of the Pokémon Poll! The Pokémon Poll is a Pokémon themed debating club where we start up polls to end common disputes in the Pokémon conversation. Make sure to discuss your answer in the comments to prove your point!
The adorable little fox Eevee and the numerous forms it might evolve into, which fans have affectionately nicknamed “Eeveelutions,” are one of the most controversial subjects in the Pokémon discussion.
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s past due to poll all eight Eeveelutions. The only way to determine which of all the Eevee evos, dear reader, is to make this decision.
Flareon- The Fire Type

The Flame Pokemon
Jolteon- The Electric Type

The Lightning Pokemon.
Vaporeon- The Water Type

The Bubble Jet Pokemon
Espeon- The Psychic Type

The Sun Pokemon
Umbreon- The Dark Type

The Moonlight Pokemon
Glaceon- The Ice Type

The Fresh Snow Pokemon
Leafeon- The Grass Type

The Verdant Pokemon
Sylveon- The Fairy Type

The Interwining Pokemon
The Poll
What is the Best Eevee Evolution? Vote and comment below!