Modern humans developed over a period of millions of years. Here is a summary of what we know based on fossil records.

- The remains of Australopithecus were mostly found in “East Africa”.
- The Australopithecus brain was roughly 35% of the size of the modern human brain.
- The Australopithecus female stood between 1.2m and 1.4 m (3.9ft and 4.6ft), but males were 50% larger (taller, heavier) than females.
Homo Habilis:

- Homo Habilis remains were found in Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.
- Homo Habilis were the first to use stone tools.
- They are believed to have been about 1.3 meters (4.2ft) tall, and weigh about 37 kilograms (81 pounds).
Homo Erectus:

- Homo erectus in Latin means “upright man”.
- Homo erectus were the first to walk upright.
- Early in the 20th century it was believed that the first modern humans lived in Asia. But during the 1950s and 1970s, many fossil finds from East Africa were discovered.

- Neanderthal fossils are only found in Europe.
- The size of the Neanderthal brain shows that Neanderthals were probably intelligent.
- They made Divje Babe musical flute.

- The earliest known Cro-Magnon remains are between 35,000 and 45,000 years old, based on radiometric dating.
- They were found in Italy and Britain.
- Their brains were actually slightly larger than the average humans today.