Family is Forever – Episode 5

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Longest running GravityCentered series. Wow! Okay, let’s get to the action.

*RING RING RING!* Kevin picked up the phone.

“Who is it?” Kevin said first. “It’s the *inaudible speaking ensues* of Terrance Phillips. He- *more inaudible speaking*” the man said.

“Alright, I’ll sleep on it. Next time, don’t call me at 5:47 in the morning. Bye.” Kevin replied.

He got the rest of his sleep. Upon waking up, he then went and ate breakfast with the family.

“It’s Saturday. Time for laser tag.” Jordan said. “Well, before we start, I have an important announcement. I have been offered to fight the Boxing World Heavyweight champ of the world in an 8-round exhibition. The pay is enough for your college tuition, a new car for Jack, and your plane tickets back home. And extra to spare.” Kevin said.

“Terrance Phillips? Yeah no. The guy would just need to land a single jab and you’re down.” Jack replied.

“I have a month to train. Your mom called me and said her stay in Las Vegas would be extended for a month since her grandpa is sick. So let’s scrape some ring rust off after the fun, eh?” Kevin replied.

Everyone went to the laser tag place, including Jayden’s family (their last name is Stewart). Jack and Imari were backed into a corner by the other team.

“So when are you going to Hailey’s house?” Imari said. “First off, how do you know about that thing, and second off are you friends?” Jack immediately replied.

“She told me about you. She likes you a lot. I’m assuming the feeling is mutual. And yes. We are friends. Ever since I was 6.” Imari fired back.

“Yeah, the feeling is mutual. She’s pretty and sweet. I like her a lot too. And I will come over soon, but I don’t know when.” Jack said back.

“Okay, good to know. I’m coming over with my boyfriend to her house if you wanna come too.” Imari replied.

“Geez, you ever feel bad for your older brother? The man hasn’t had any luck.” Jack said as he shot an enemy.

“He’ll get there, so nah. I don’t.” Imari replied as she ran out with Jack to rendezvous with the other team members. The laser tag ended. They all went back to Kevin’s house.


“Terrance Phillips. 6’6, 253 pounds. Freak of Nature. 12-0, 12 knockouts. Has speed. Power. Agility. Lacks stamina and durability. You could take a beating, but his power is a bit too much.

Some say it’s similar to Marciano. Some say it’s close to Foreman and Tyson. Now that’s dangerous. You can rebuild that durability, speed, stamina, agility, and power. And finally, As quoted by George Foreman, power doesn’t age.” Jayden said.

“The guy knocked out the #1 contender for his title in 24 seconds. Stunned him with a single jab.” Desmond added.

“Let’s get that eye of the tiger back. That unquenchable thirst. The fire in your soul that never burns out.” Jack said.

“Let’s get started then,” Kevin replied. Kevin used the jump rope first. It took him a bit. But he gradually got quicker. And quicker. And he went berserk.

He slowly started to rebuild his speed. He worked the double-end bag to increase the speed of his punches. Another upgrade to agility.

He worked the heavy bag. Hit it so hard that it got knocked off the chain. Power was rebuilding fastest of all.

Strenuous activities and hard running increased his stamina. He sparred with Jayden. Knockout in 1 minute. Sparred with Jack. Knockout in 45 seconds.

He sparred with Norton, Knockout in two minutes. Kevin was getting better, slowly but surely. 10 hours of training was good.

“Alright, you always wanted to learn about Christianity, right? You were always kept away from it, right?” Kevin said while he was breathing heavily.

“Yeah, isn’t church tomorrow? What should I wear?” Jack replied.

“Just wear a buttoned-up shirt. Nothing goofy. Just maybe a blue buttoned-up shirt. You know what I mean.” Kevin replied.

“Church is at 11:00 AM. It’s only 10 minutes away, so I usually get ready at 10:30. I think Hailey goes there too.” Kevin added.

“Even more reason for me to come,” Jack added with a grin. Kevin grinned too. They both went to sleep.


The alarm clocks rang. Everyone got up at 9:00. They ate breakfast and played video games. Madison got ready early. Everyone else got ready at 10:30.

Everyone was neatly dressed and then drove to church. “So I’ve been researching church, and apparently there are different types? That’s strange.” Jack said.

“Well, some Christians have different beliefs about God, and therefore there are different Denominations. There’s Orthodox, Catholic, Baptists, Non-denominational, and more.” Kevin replied.

“Also, what type are we going to?” Jack asked. “Non-denominational. I will also introduce you to some people. In church, you call fellow members Brothers and Sisters due to you basically being one big family. For example, someone there is named Mark. Therefore you would call him Brother Mark in casual conversation with someone,” Kevin answered.

“Okay. Let’s get out. Just arrived.” Kevin said.

“Woah. This church is big.” Everyone said. They sat with the Stewarts. The sermon was about devotion.

“And if you are just coming to Christ, that ok. He’ll accept you. He’s a best friend.” The sermon ended.

“Oh yeah. A gift. A Bible with modern wording. Easier to understand. How was the sermon?” Kevin said.

“Thanks. And it was great. I’ll start reading. I’ve heard good things.” Jack replied.

All the family members met new people and saw familiar faces. Jack saw Hailey and talked about coming over. He also met her dad, who accepted him. They all went to Cracker Barrel to celebrate. And went home after they ate and talked.

The end of episode 5. Anyways, it’s past 1:00 AM where I’m at, so imma go to sleep.

Anyways, God loves you, and I’ll see you later, alligators. Byeeee!

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