Plants vs Zombies 1 or 2?

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Plants v Zombies 1 is an absolute blast to play and very simple to learn. You can play it with your friend if you have an Xbox One, 360, series s or x, or a ps3.

I personally love the simplicity of PvZ 1, as it has 5 worlds, with each one being unique for a specific feature.

EA wasn’t greedy yet and was still pumping out good games. Their audacity to put money over quality nowadays is bad, but back then, they cared more about the fans.

My personal favorite world/setting is the roof levels. A perfect mix of fun and difficulty. Back to 5 lanes, coffee beans introduced, GARAGANTUARS! Honestly, I’m kinda biased, as I have played this game since I was a little kid.

Pvz 2 is also extremely good, but not really as good as the first one. Microtransactions were introduced, which signed the beginning of the greedy era for EA.

I love the introduction of new plants (a bit TOO many, though), and the introduction of new zombies and worlds. Pvz 2 was also one of the very few best sequels to a game that wasn’t better than the first.

Anyways, what do you think?

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