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Hello! It is I, @Itrules0ut343! Today, I want to talk about my new fishies! Here, I will tell you my fish’s names and personalities!

Now, let’s DIVE right in! (Haha)



This spry-scaled superstar is the most energetic of the bunch. Shane LOVES food and will eat the second the food hits the water! He is also really nice! He loves hanging out with the other goldfish and is very sweet!



Ah, Carl! Or, as I like to call him, The Colby Jack Aquatic! He is a BEAUTIFUL fish, almost always hiding from the others. I guess he’s an intro-SQUIRT (hahaha). BTW, comment on ur favorite pun cuz there’s gonna be a LOT in here.

Anyhoo, he also loves food. But being an introvert, it’s surprising that he hangs out with Shane.


One of the smallest fish! He loves eating. He is the greediest, But one of the cutest! He loves hanging out with his brother, Mikey!

But that’s all I have on Mike. In this picture, the one on the top left is Mikey, so he’s not going to have a picture in his section. IMG_1630.jpeg


Mike’s Little bro! They love hanging out! Mikey is basically a vacuum! He’ll eat bunches of food in a matter of seconds!

He is the polar opposite of Carl and is extremely social. He also has the shiniest scales!



Hector is a black plecko (pretty sure I spelled that wrong). He is a very elusive fish and barely ever leaves his castle!

He is an algae eater fish and loves reclusion. But sometimes, he likes to play with his brother, Stanley!



Sorry u can’t really see him in the picture, but he is a striped plecco (spelled it wrong again!) and loves algae as much as Hector does!

He and Hector are both recluses who rarely leave their homes. But he’s practically part of the fake coral!

Anyway, that wraps up today’s post! Comment your favorite fish based on the description below! BYE!!!

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