How Do You Know If Someone Is A Good Friend?

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From my personal experience, I’m sure others have had bad friends or weren’t sure if they were good ones. I’m here to tell you if they are, or if they aren’t.

How do you know if they are a good friend?

  • They are there for you no matter the situation
  • They don’t judge you, be happy for you
  • They are kind and respectful
  • You enjoy their company (And they enjoy yours)
  • They are loyal
  • They are trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth even when it’s hard to hear
  • They laugh with you

My best friend in real life is most of these. She is there when I need her. She does judge me, but I do the same to her. I enjoy her company, and I’m pretty sure she enjoys mine. I would say she is loyal now more than when we first met. She tells me the truth and I do too. And lastly, we have laughed and cried together.

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