The year is 2024. Texas has just succeeded from the U.S.A. after much trial and tribulation. The population is now 31 million, and it is rapidly growing. They are starting to rapidly build up their forces.
Currently, the Army and Marines combined have a total number of 2.1 million men. The Air Force has 500k, and the Navy has about 300k. Texas is rapidly industrializing, and they are developing new weapons.
After about a year, in 2025, California finally secedes from the U.S.A. And, like Texas, start to bulk up their forces. California soon becomes a major threat to Texas, and Californian politicians start calling for war with Texas.
The Texan president, Henry Peterson, called for the rapid increase of troop buildup in east Texas. However, take a look at this map:

New Mexico and Arizona are kind of in the way of these two. Well, there’s a simple solution. Sail down the coast of Latin America to the Panama canal.
Now, here’s a move that shocked pretty much the whole world. Henry Peterson himself boarded one of the Destroyers going to the canal. The two raced to the canal, trying to beat each other there. However, the Californians reached it first.
After going through, they sailed for about 25 miles before seeing a fleet of Destroyers and one Aircraft Carrier. The Californians immediately sent a message telling the Texans to back down, but Henry Peterson sent a message himself saying:
“Try us. We’ll stand our ground.”
After 2 more messages, which were each met with refusal to back down, Admiral Frank Sanchez told the ships to prepare to fire.

The whole world held popcorn in their hands, waiting to see what would unfold. After 3 hours of waiting, an American ship came trying to settle it.
Both the Texans and Californians told the ship to leave or face a rain of fire. The American ship backed off.
After another hour, Admiral Sanchez ordered the ships to fire at the T.S.S. Houston, which tanked the first two light shots but was damaged by the third, heavier shot.
The three other ships, T.S.S. Dallas, T.S.S. Austin, and T.S.S. Davy Crockett, opened fire, sinking one Californian ship and damaging one other. The damaged Californian ship, the C.S.S. Grizzly, retreated after firing an ineffective volley.

The Aircraft Carrier, T.S.S. James Bonham, sent 5 Jets out to pursue the Grizzly. The C.S.S. Grizzly took out three of the jets before they could reach the ship, but the final two unloaded torpedoes which detonated into the already damaged Grizzly.

Heavily damaged, the C.S.S. Grizzly, along with the C.S.S. Awaswas, retreated to the Panama canal to rendezvous with the Californian reinforcements. The Texan ships pursued them, being rallied by their president leading in battle.
Spectators on the edges of the canal described the chase as “energetic and high-staked”, and boy were they right.
Texan volleys narrowly missed the retreating Californian ships. After reaching the end of the canal, the reinforcements were no where to be seen. When Admiral Sanchez realized that he could not win, he considered surrendering. However, after his young protégé told him that they should at least go down with a fight, Sanchez quickly cooked up a strategy.
Sanchez arranged his ships to fire from the sides while the Texans could only fire from their front. It was an old Naval strategy, but it was effective. Sanchez successfully damaged the Austin and the Houston, but the Dallas swiftly outmaneuvered the Grizzly and the Awaswas.
As the Grizzly tried to escape, the T.S.S. Davy Crockett blockaded the ships. They were trapped. Right before Henry Peterson ordered the ships to fire, the Californian reinforcements arrived. After a fierce battle, both sides decided to pull out.

It was a draw. The first battle of the war had been fought, and it was a tie. Everyone knew it would be a long war.
Henry Peterson was praised as a hero in Texas, and Admiral Sanchez was praised as a hero in California. However, there were no land battles yet.
Henry Peterson appointed Supreme General (the third highest rank in this Fictional Texas Land Forces) Theodore Evans to lead the ground campaign.
Californian President George Carlton chose Field Marshal (second highest rank in this Fictional Californian Land Forces) John Richardson to lead their ground Campaign.
Soon, the two started pressuring New Mexico and Arizona to allow troop passage. Both submitted to the demands of Texas and California.
Supreme General Evans’ right hand man, Division General (fifth highest rank in Fictional Texas Land Forces) Garrett Ford, Great-Grandson of former U.S. President Gerald Ford, devised a brilliant strategy. He would get Head Admiral (highest rank in Fictional Texas Navy) John Rivers to blockade California and make minor landings along the coast.
The Army would use fast vehicles and Helicopters to transport Troops quickly across New Mexico and Arizona, smashing into the south of California.
Finally, after capturing most of northern and southern California, he would send one final amphibious assault, consisting mostly of Marines, to capture all of California’s west coast.

Head Admiral Rivers took 100,000 Soldiers with him on multiple Ships, planning to land 10,000 troops on 10 different beaches along the Northern California coast.
The Californians heavily reinforced their borders, but they sent a force of about 75,000 men to slow down the Texans in New Mexico. However, Division General Ford had already sent 200,000 men deep into New Mexico, and they were heading for Arizona.
General (3rd highest rank in Fictional California Land Forces) Robert Thomas was extremely shocked to hear that 200,000 Texan troops were only 50 Miles from the Arizona border. General Thomas called for 100,000 men to reinforce their already weak defenses.
After getting 3/4ths of the way through Arizona, General Thomas received news that the Texans were only 20 miles away.
It was time for the first engagement of the war.

That was really fun to write.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed it.