Hello! If you are a new user and have a few questions, your answers may be here! I’m @random_person_! I’m active most of the time.
Welcome to Kidznet!
Okay, so I know lots of people are confused about profile pictures. I hate to break it to you, but you must be a member to get a profile picture (I recommend becoming a member).
But if you are a member but still new, your profile picture must be approved by @KidzSearch!
If you don’t know what a post is, it’s what you’re reading right now! Posts catch a lot of user’s attention!
Your post could be educational or not. It can be about anything you want it to be about. But no personal information!
I bet you’re wondering how to make a post. Well, a button at the top of your screen should say ‘Post,’ and you can post away!
Kidznet is mostly about making friends and connecting! The button at the top of your screen, titled ‘Wall,’ is one HUGE connecting post!
You can see others’ comments and post your own comments! At the top of the post, there should be a button that says ‘Join the conversation. ’
I hope this helped clear things up! If you have any questions just tell me in the comments below!
If I misspelled anything, please ignore that. Thank you for reading this!