Hi everyone! It’s DancerGirl887! Remember my last post, my Favorite Almost-Saint: Blessed Imelda Lambertini?
Well, today, I’m writing an article about my favorite saint, Bernadette Soubirous (pronounced soobaroo).
Bernadette Soubirous was born in Lourdes, France, in 1844. She was the firstborn daughter of a miller from Lourdes.
One day, much like any other day, Bernadette Soubirous and her siblings were doing chores.
“Jean! Toinette! Go fetch firewood down at the grotto!” Shouted Mrs. Soubirous.
“Yes, Momma!” They replied simultaneously.
“Can I go, Momma?” Asked Bernadette. “Not today, Bernadette. I heard you coughing all last night.” Answered Mrs. Soubirous.
“Oh, Momma, please! I’ve got my stockings on!” Said Bernadette. “Oh, alright. But don’t take off your shawl!” She shouted as they ran off. “I won’t!”
As they reached the grotto, Toinette and Jean ran through the water to the other side.
“Wait for me!” Shouted Bernadette. But they didn’t hear her. Bernadette sat on a rock and started taking off her stockings. Just then, a gust of wind blew out of nowhere.
“That’s odd.” Inquired Bernadette. Then she felt it again. “What’s happening?” Then she saw.
She knelt down and took out her rosary. “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”
Bernadette looked up and saw a beautiful lady dressed in white and blue.
“Who are you?” Asked Bernadette. But the lady just smiled.
“Bernadette! Bernadette! What is she doing?” Jean asked Toinette. “I don’t know, but it definitely isn’t helping us,” Toinette replied.
Then Bernadette stood up, pulled off her stockings, and ran through the water.
“You said the water was cold, but I think it’s warm!” She said. “What were you doing?” Asked Jean.
“You didn’t see her?” Replied Bernadette. “No, who?!” They said.
“The lady! She appeared up there on the ledge!” She replied.
“Oh, Bernadette, just help us with the firewood!” They said.
Bernadette returned many times to the grotto, and after asking 3 times, the lady answered.
“I am the Immaculate Conception.” That is what she said. She was Mary, Mother of God! She requested a chapel and shrine built there in her honor.
Bernadette died in 1879, only 35 years old! She was canonized as a saint in 1933 and is incorruptible.

That means her body didn’t rot away.
This is my favorite saint, and I want to know what’s yours! Comment below!