My Favorite Almost-Saint [aka Blessed]: Blessed Imelda Lambertini

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My favorite almost-saint, also known as a blessed, is Imelda Lambertini. Imelda was born in 1322 in a small town called Bologna, located in Italy. She was an only child, and her parents were devout Catholics.

They were known for their generosity and love throughout the town. On Imelda’s 5th birthday, she requested for the most blessed sacrament, the Eucharist. However, the custom at the time was that you had to wait until you were 14 years old to receive First Communion.

At age 9, she went to live with Dominican nuns at Val Di Pietra, near Bologna. On the 12 of May, 1333, the day of the vigil of the Asension, Imelda knelt to pray and was seen with the “Light of the Host” shining on her. It was a miracle. The priest and nuns stared in awe.

Blessed Imelda Lambertina.jpg

The priest then decided that it was time for Imelda to receive her First Communion. After, Imelda went back to her seat and stayed after Mass to pray. Later, when a nun came to get her for supper, she found her still kneeling with a smile on her face. The nun called her name, but Imelda did not stir. Then, the nun tapped her on the shoulder and Imelda collapsed. She had died of happiness by finally receiving Jesus in the Host. She was only 11 years old! Imelda was buried in her home town of Bologna, Italy.

I thought that story was so beautiful! Comment below with your thoughts.

– DancerGirl887

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