Points balance: 1,217
Rank: Novice
Active 2 months, 2 weeks ago
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KidzNet Community Wall
@Esie remember that in india teacher is the god we say guru govind niyo kade hue kake lago paye balihari guru ke hamko di batye that means if god and teacher comes at same place who will you greet first the godthansays that first greet your teacher in indian schools teacher is higher that god that makes india special i have listed a special site which i feel will help you in the term gurukul(traditional school and very special school) https://gurukul.org/life-at-gurukul/ and morden school are special here too! morden schoolsfollow cbse,ncert and icse board pattern you can get of it too in the internet just type what is the study pattern ,… any other thought ask me!
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago