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Last time I checked, Elo, Esie, and Jason were in the Kidznet council.

We will have a senate, however. Why? BECAUSE WHY NOT?

It also adds a bigger chain of command.

Kidzsearch, to the president, to the council, to the senate, to regular users. The senate will also have 3 (active) people in it, and it will be the 2nd-to-last approval step (the last being the people of KN).

Another reason is that it allows more KN users to create a political career.

The Senate would allow more decisions to have a say in them.

So, how to run for senate? Well,

Every politician has to serve their terms unless they resign (or are grounded indefinitely by parents).

KN President serves 6-month terms (I know I’m only serving a 3-month term, but the election was not at the right time).

KN Council serves 6-month terms, too, and KN Senators serve 3-month terms.

Why? The council acts as a “Supreme Court” of sorts.

Senators here have less power than Council members (they still have some power, of course.).

So, we will host one big election for Senators.

The top three voted candidates will be the new Senate.

Elections will start on January 3rd, and they will end on January 10th.

See ya!

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