We just moved to a new house, and we’ve been living here for a month, which was around the same time I started Kidzsearch!
Earlier this year, the day after my dog’s birthday (The day after is February 12), my mom and older brother went to see a movie for grown ups, and they came home when I finished, shocked and surprised that I made a whole hotel while they were gone.
I opened my hotel up again a month after moving last Saturday. My hotel is called Friendship Inn & Suites, and it’s known for love, care, and friendship.

Real hotels have lots of rooms, but you don’t live in a mansion with 100 rooms. Just stick with what you have. I only have rooms 1, 2, and 3.
Another thing I did was put a bunch of paper signs and taped them next to the doors or on them (DO NOT use glue, or it will not come off). The paper signs help the guests know where each room is. Be unique.
The downstairs closet under the stairs is the Storage Locker for all guests. My dog’s new fenced yard is the Doggy Park for the dogs — they don’t need their shots! And my dad has a new bar downstairs which is a built-in restaurant called I’mhungra.com for creatures I made up called Yummas.
Their tummies are called Tummas, and they are both best friends. The tumma starves and gets hungry sometimes, so they need to have a yumma! (Which is also food) I’mhungra.com has the bestest yummas!
Here’s how to start ordering their yummas: They have all existing yummas, so they have your favorite ones! They come to your door in seconds, in case your Tumma is shaking badly!
I’m not gonna bring up every reason, but I also put signs in the bathroom telling people how to keep it clean, and I also made the Friendship Inn & Suites logo taped on my front door. Try to also make each hotel room look like a hotel room!
Now let’s talk about guests and staff. Guests are visitors to stay, and the staff is the people that work at your hotel.
— You can’t be a hotel guest. You can imagine staying at the hotel YOU created, but your chosen staff won’t always remember to say Welcome Back
— If you are a girl, have you and the other girls that live with you (sister or mom) be your other staff and the boys are guests. If you are a boy, have the other boys that live with you (brother or dad) be your other staff, and the girls are the guests.
— If you have a pet, have them be your hotel pet, so if a guest comes in, they can greet them by giving them kisses, rubbing them with their nose, or anything else. Or if you have a fish, bird or hamster, etc., they can just be a hotel pet that guests look at and play with.
— Don’t worry if one of your guests, as a joke, says that they hate their stay. Just go along with their opinion, and soon they will realize and give you great comments.
— It’s okay if one of your parents is a guest and the other is a staff to have them stay together because they are married.
— You don’t always need to use people as guests. You can use a stuffed animal or puppet and be creative! It doesn’t have to be a person. It can be a silly animal! Give them a hotel room to stay in.
— If you have access on your phone or tablet etc., to documents, give your hotel a website. It is fake, so nobody can see it. Type in new hotel updates!
— Put a dry-erase board or writing boogie board on your fridge so guests can see the Dinner Specials or options that are made for dinner that night.
— If we go run errands, I call it a Hotel Event. If a guest needs to go shopping when they have an event, take your guests (Stuffies) out for fun, but leave them in the car if you’re going inside.
An event could also just be going out to a restaurant. But if your parents go outside for work or play, that can be a party event. Party events can happen anywhere, so if guests want, they can go out and play.
Once, my mom and I cooked the dinner special while doing a hotel party for my mom’s birthday (Because it was her birthday then), and I had some stuffies sitting on each seat at the table.
Another idea, try this tip in the short below. Comment and show me pictures of anything for your hotel.
How To Make Your Home Feel Like A Luxury Hotel
If you have room spray, make your hotel room smell good. That’s the tip!
I would love to see how you made it! Tell me if this worked for you, and as always, — @AGM13