Hallo Freunde! That’s German for “Hello, friends!”
Have you ever heard of the country Germany? I’m sure you have. But have you ever wondered what life is truly like in that amazing country?
If you’re curious, interested, or bored, I’ve got you covered. It’s time to learn about Germany!
Germany is a country in the western region of Central Europe. Its official name is the Federal Republic of Germany. Or, “Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.”
If you haven’t figured it out already, their form of government is a federal republic. Its capital is Berlin. The entire country is about 349,223 square kilometers, give or take.

Another fun fact about Germany is that their main meal of the day is lunch. In America, it’s dinner. They’re also the second-most populated country in all of Europe, with a whopping number of 83.31 million people! Most of them are female.
One of Germany’s biggest celebrations is Oktoberfest. It’s an annual festival held in Munich, Germany, and lasts for 2 weeks, ending on the first Sunday in October.

It features a beer festival and a traveling circus. Germans would gather ‘round, have some beer, and have a hearty time! You could see the servers holding multiple beers in each hand!
It originated on October 12, 1810. To celebrate the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen.

In case you were wondering what a common German house is like, half-timbered and fully-timbered houses are common all over Germany, and although these arose in the medieval era, the style was used in rural areas until the 20th century.
Modern homes in Germany are frequently built from brick masonry formed of sand and limestone, along with asphalt roof tiles.
German is the third most widely taught language in the world. It has 35 dialects. Also, the main religion of Germany is Christianity.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these facts about Germany.
Scroll down to hear their national anthem!
Bis bald!