Hi people, I’m Eliza. Here I’m gonna tell u abt dead languages and ancient languages, which Jase loves a lot…
Jason, this post is for u and all who love dead languages.
Here is the sentence in English: Dead languages are really great. I like the way they sound.
In hebrew (dead) – שפות מתות הן באמת נהדרות. אני אוהב את איך שהם נשמעים
In latin (dead) – Linguae mortuae vere magnae sunt. Placet modo sonant
In sanscrit(dead) – मृतभाषाः वस्तुतः महान् भवन्ति। तेषां ध्वनिः मम रोचते
In greek* – οι νεκρές γλώσσες είναι πραγματικά υπέροχες. Μου αρέσει ο τρόπος που ακούγονται
In Irish* – tá teangacha marbh iontach iontach. Is maith liom an bealach a fhuaimeann siad
*Greek is not a dead language and is spoken by at least 13.5 million people today. Ancient Greek simply turned into Modern Greek.
*there are debates on whether irish is dead or alive
So I hope you all enjoyed these phrases in dead languages, especially the language lovers.
So these might be my last posts because I’m leaving when Jase comes back… So have a nice day, you all!