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To participate, put “participating in KidzSearchathon” in your bio and at the end of every post you make, starting a week before KidzSearchathon.

Keep that message there while KidzSearchathon is happening and for another week after the event so hosts can keep track of participants. You can join mid-event, but if you do, make it VERY clear you’re now participating. 

There will be a top 5, and 15 runner-ups. Prizes will be a shoutout at the end of every post I and the hosts make, along with upvotes from me and the hosts for a week straight.

For top 5, and for runner-ups, the prize will be a shoutout, the same as the shoutout prize for the top 5. If this event becomes official, i’m hoping for a special badge awarded, along with points.

So- There will be three sections, each lasting for two days. Except the third section, which will last for 3 days. Multiple people will be hosting KidzSearchathon: one hosting a sperate section. The hosts will then take around another week to finalize the results.

KidzSearchathon 2025 Sections:

Section 1: I Spy, U Search

Rules: The host gives you a selection of 5-10 random photos. The goal is to try to find one or more of those images using the KidzSearch image search engine.

Section 2: Fact-ory Refresh

Rules: in the KidzSearch facts page, you will see “random fun facts” at the bottom. There is a refresh button so you can see many different facts. The goal here is to keep refreshing until you see one of the 15 (or more) facts the host gives you. Bonus points if you see more than 1.

Section 3: Mirror Mirror

Rules: Try to make a decent impression of one of the hosts for two days! (since that’s how long each section lasts) A close friend of that host will then decide if the impression is accurate or not! Do NOT change your username and profile picture to the host, though. It’ll make things confusing.


And those are the sections! After the event, winners will be announced a week. Remember, users from Kidztalk and Kidznet can participate, but don’t use this advantage to give yourself a higher winning chance.

No unregistered users can participate, and no alt accounts may participate. Also, for sections 1 and 2, you must send a screenshot to prove you completed the challenge. No Photoshop allowed.

This is NOT official, and this event HAS NOT STARTED YET. I just made this idea for a fun annual event in KidzSearch. So what do you guys think? Should KidzSearchathon be a thing?

If anyone else wants to contribute to this idea, use #KidzSearchathon 

KidzSearch if you see this, PLEASE greenlight this! It’ll be really fun! it’s hard for a regular user like me to manage the event and prevent cheating, LOL


This post was originally made on my Kidztalk account. I’m more active on Kidztalk, so check out my user: dr. rubberInACan for more info!

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