Meteors, Meteoroids, and Meteorites, Oh My!

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Meteoroids – Drifting through space. Meteoroids are pieces of space debris that come in a wide range of sizes and categories- from microscopic specks of cosmic dust to boulders several feet across! Meteoroids that enter the Earth’s atmosphere are called meteors. If you have ever watched a “Shooting star” dart across the sky, you have […]

Do Spiders Dream? Study Suggests Spiders Sleep and Dream Like Us

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Dreaming is a common phenomenon of sleep, especially for us. But did you know that humans aren’t the only ones that dream? Many other animals like cats, dogs, horses, platypuses, birds, and even reptiles do indeed dream. Awesome, right? But what if I tell you spiders might be dreaming a lot like people too? Would […]

Wolves – Part 1

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In a forest full of predators, there was one wolf alone in the forest wandering. Not knowing what to do and where to go. He watched as a raven built a nest in an oak tree. Three days had past since he has eaten food. He thought about his teeth sinking into a fresh piece […]

Brain Drain: Here’s Why Demanding Mental Work Makes You Feel Tired

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We’ve all been there. After studying for several hours, you know you still have to finish homework and even study for your upcoming quiz, but you find it hard to concentrate on your lecture notes and books. You start to feel your eyelids droop, and your brain already feels fuzzy. You feel like you’re slowing […]


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YOU READ THE TITLE. One of his last comments on KN said he wasn’t leaving until he was 18!! WHERE DID HE GO????? Also, I did not see his post about his rivalry with me Tanks and Dragons- Race of Dash201 and Esie… UNTIL NOW, ALMOST A YEAR AFTER ITS BEING PUBLISHED. And my pfp […]

Scaly-foot Snail: The Snail with Iron Armor

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Snails are well-known for one of their striking physical features—the spiral shell they load on the back. But have you ever heard of a snail with a shell made out of iron? If you haven’t yet, let me introduce this remarkable creature, the Scaly-foot snail. Chrysomallon squamiferum, most commonly known as a scaly-foot snail, is […]

The Story of Andromeda

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On a dark, cloudless night, we can see thousands of stars scattered across the inky black soup of night. If you look at the stars long enough, you might imagine that you can see simple pictures of people, animals, weapons, and much more. The stars outlining an imaginary picture are called constellations. Queen Cassiopeia Although […]

Which Stranger Things Characters Do You Relate To The Most?

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Do you watch Stranger Things? The TV series is about a young boy who disappears. His mother, a police chief and his friends must confront scrary supernatural forces in order to get him back. Which character relates to you the most? I honestly pick eleven, Eddie or Steve. I pick eleven because she has bright […]

How To Overcome Procrastination

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I think you’ve already experienced this at some point in your life. Or maybe you’re experiencing it now—you already know you should be doing something by now, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to start it. For example, you may have put off a task you had planned weeks ago because you don’t feel like […]


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Alex, if you are wondering what in the world I am congratulating you for, click on this before you read any farther, or it will spoil the whole thing! *Literally, this post contains big spoilers so DONT READ WITHOUT CLICKING ON THE LINK. Anyone who would like to help congratulate Alex, COMMENT BELOW.

The Pokémon Poll- What is the Best Region?

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Hello readers, and welcome to the second meeting of the Pokémon Poll! The Pokémon Poll is a Pokémon themed debating club where we start up polls to end common disputes in the Pokémon conversation. Make sure to discuss your answer in the comments below to prove your point! What makes a region stand out? It […]


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*Kicks Open Door* -FWOOOOOOOOSH- IT’S TIME FOR THE BEST USER AWARDS!!!!!! Through many delays, it’s finally here! Let’s meet the nominees!! These lucky few have made their way into the top standards of the KN community, and are known and loved by almost all the users! PLEASE WELCOME: @Pumpkin @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha […]

Writing a Good Post

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Think of a topic you want to write your post about. Research! Read books and look up articles on the internet. Make sure it is coming from a reliable source. Start organizing your ideas and facts! Ask yourself: What kind of a post is this going to be? Will it be short or long? Will […]

A Guide to Sri Lanka Part 1 – Important places, main info

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Sri Lanka History Sri Lanka is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The earliest human inhabitations date to about 38,000 years. Information about Sri Lanka can be found from ancient Chronicles like “Mahavansa”, “deepavansa”, Palivansa”, Rajavaliya” and Choolavansa”. The first ruler of Sri Lanka is King “Pandukabaya” and he was the ruler […]

2 Riddles Per Day – #23 (special edition for science fans!)

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Hi everyone! This is a special edition of my riddle project with just one big riddle. I hope you all know about the great and well known scientist Albert Einstein. This is a riddle which was actually created by him. It is believed that it was formed when he was young. Now you are facing […]

New Airport Screen “Parallel Reality” Shows Personal Flight Information To Multiple People At Once

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If you’ve ever experienced boarding a plane, you might’ve already known how it’s a struggle to figure out your gate number, boarding time, and other travel details by scanning all the different flights shown on the monitors at the airport. Fortunately, on June 30, 2022, Delta Air Lines, Inc. launched an amazing technology that has […]

Choose Your Own Adventure!!

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I am making a choose your own adventure on KidzNet!! The Choose Your Own Adventure Series will be a post containing a short story, followed by a poll. The next short story will then be based on your decisions! Be wise and you might make it to the end! Here is a sneak peak of […]

Study Suggests Ethiopia’s False Banana ‘Enset’ Could Feed Over 100 Million People

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World hunger is one of the most challenging issues we’re currently facing, and it has been ongoing for decades. Around the world, more than 829 million people are seriously affected by hunger. Many factors, such as poverty, food shortages, climate change, war, and conflict, among others, contribute to the rise of food insecurity. This is […]